Moving advice


Apr 20, 2003
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St.Louis, MO
I know i havent been here in months and most of u dont remember me. But anyway i've been busy with packing and was wondering, how can i move the fish and aquarium? Could someone with experience help me. I'm moving to kansas city missouri from st.louis missouri. I made a mistake of throwing the away the aquarium box i got the fishtank from. I want to keep my fish in living condition for the move. The cars will be packed so i'm not sure at all what i can do.
hey fishdude,
I have moved my 55 gal. twice in the past four years, so I have some
experience.(I did not lose any livestock in either moves).first of all,what
kind of tank is it?and how big?second what is the total distance your moving?
the most important thing is to carefully plan and map out everything you
will need to do before you move,and do a test run to make sure you do not
forget anything-time is precious when moving your livestock.when I moved
my tank,I got 5 five gallon buckets, filled them with tank water and livestock,
and also put my filter media in a seperate one.secondly,I emptied the rest
of the tank,leaving just enough to keep the substrate submerged.then, when
I got to the new house,I immediately began unpacking all equipment,filled
the tank with the tank water in the buckets,added the livestock,media and
filters,then I began filling the rest of the tank with newly mixed
plan on doing a 40-50% water change when you arrive.
hope this gives you some ideas.
My first 2 years of college i carted my 37 gallon tank back and forth with me in the dorms, so i moved it twice a year (a one hour trip) and I did pretty much the same as he did. Seems to work pretty well if your not going too far.
well it seems i moved b4 i could see ur advice. I was quite busy so sorry i didn't give you info. I did use a bucket and was sortof worried about fish stress so i put some stress coat in there. i finally put the fishtank in the place i wanted. Man is water heavy. Thanks anyway. :)

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