Moving A Ray


Fish Aficionado
Nov 4, 2005
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middx heathrow
the time has nearly come for me to move my female motoro into her new tank.she is enourmous compared to when i got her and im wondering how the hell im gonna do it .will she be able to go from one tank straight to the other tank if the water parameters are the same?has anyone has to do this before?i have got a xlarge pond net to catch her with is there anything else im gonna need?i dont expect many replies to this one :lol: any help appreciated :good:
the best way to do this is drain lots of water out of the new tank and fill it back up with the water from the old tank just before you move the ray

then put some rubber gloves on your hand clean ones that have never been used for anything before

then get a net that is a little bit to small for the ray

net the ray head 1st with the tail sticking out of the net and lift her out of the tankthen surport the tail with one hand and move her to the new tank

when ever you move any rays make sure you have someone else around just in case you do get stunk as then they can put the ray in the new tank and leave you in pain on the floor dont forget the ray is the most important thing and your pain can be sorted out later :D
Richards method is as good as any you are going to get, it is pointless putting him in something to acclimitise him as it will stress him out more.
The water change bit is a good idea and will help balance out between the tanks.

Prepare to
1. Get very wet, they thrash like mad.
2. Get a wet floor
3. Drink lots of beer afterwards to get over YOUR stress :D

Teaching you to suck eggs I am sure, but make sure all the lids/lights etc are well out of the way when you do transfer.

I will be doing the same next week when I am home, am transferring a big Leopoldi, a big fire eel and a Red Tail Gold arowana, will be using the method T1 has said.

Steve :)
what ever you do dont let the tail go in the net as it will rip the net to bits and the ray will have bits of net stuck on its tail for ages

Steve i find lager aros fairly easy to move just take all the other fish out the tank 1st lower the water level real low put a big koi bag at one end of the tank and the aro should swim into it

most fish are easy to move if your not scared of them :D
the ray goes in the net head first :good: i also have another problem with the female i am feeding my little male ray bloodworms to fatten him up it seems that she has regressed to just eating bloodworms like when i first got her :/ she is refusing all her normal foods

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