Moving 4 Red Bellies


Fish Aficionado
Nov 4, 2005
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middx heathrow
ams i suppose this is a question for you really or anyone who has moved fish round thier house:) im really not looking forward to doing this at all in a month or 2 im gonna have to move my 4 rbp to my 100g downstairs.they go totally crazy when i have to go in the tank and they are twice the size of when i got them now and i dont want them injuring themselves.any tips on making this less stressful for all concerned?
When I buy or move piranhas the best way is to provide a bucket or small tank just barely large enough (ie 10 gallons) to fit each piranha separately. I personally think the small tank method is not good, but some people do it. I use the bucket method, so much easier. Do not use bags unless you have a bucket. I once had a red belly bite the bag open and go splashing all over the floor. There is no bigger pain in the ass than having the net up a flapping piranha. (when I buy bagged piranhas from the LFS I bring a bucket along just to place the bag in just in case they decide to bite the bag open again). Also be sure that there is a cover, as I have had a Compressus jump.

Thats about the only special requirement when transporting piranhas. The bag and bucket method is easy and pretty unstressful for piranhas.

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