Move Completed


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
Well not everything is moved--one or two more days.

The fish are moved.

The Betta all did well. Zuni Warrier got mad as hell and flared at everything. He got a new tank and got stuck in the under water filter twice. He got pretty banged up, but he is recovering well and fiesty. Platinum girl chewed herself to nubs and blood letting. She also is doing well now. Sometime before the move a girl disapeared. I haven't got a clue. Maybe I just haven't seen her. I need to check the tank well and take stock. But the Bettas are in such small tanks that they just move in them with the moveable decor removed.

I did find a Cory that somehow got in a bucket of decor and not enough water. :sad: The rest of the Cories were little soldiers.

The big losers were the Tetras. They didn't move well at all. I think they got too cold. They are the only ones that I put in the buckets from their tanks and half of them died--about 20. The other tanks were small enough to keep the fish in a small amoint of water in their tanks. It got the tanks up faster.
I never knew you moved? Well glad to hear that most of the fish made it despite the bettas hurting them selves.
Sorry 'bout your tetras. I'm glad to hear the bettas were tough for you though, and I'm glad your move is done,moving fish is always a challenge. we've missed you around here.
Glad the group made it more or less intact (save for the tetras and cory). You let me know when you want your new babies shipped, and if you want Ipos and his woman as well. I said it in another thread but I know you've been busy so you probably missed it, but I was planning to give Ipos jr. and his matching female away to someone who wanted to breed them and hadn't even thought about asking you :X
So yeah... the only condition is that they eventually get bred, since I want to see babies :p
I still have final details to complete.

SBC, my communications network, got confused and cut me off. It took two days and the last whispered breath of my cell battery to get them to find THEIR problem. It did give me a break though. A couple of times I thought I would be spending the holidays in a hospital. I haven't pushed my breaking boundaries like that since I got my Bachelor's at 51.

I have to get back out there today though. The buyers are in a feeding frenzy and ready to lock me out.

I was so tired that I didn't lock the car after carrying a load in. Someone figured it out and stole some of my best and favorite collectibles.

I even bought a new covey of Cory Catfish: Emeralds. Right in the middle of moving. New tank and all. HA!

Thankyou, Durkbat. I miss you occasionally too--when you're not tell me dirty jokes. :hyper:

Thankyou, wuv. My Betta are ALL THAT! I thought I'd done for the Black Copper boy. For some reason I missed his cup. Someone stopped quick in front of me. When I got to the apartment and sat the small tanks up on the kitchen counter, I found him trapped under an edge of his China cup. I moved the cup and he limped around for awhile. But in a few hours he was up in Samson's face with huge flaring gills. :lol:

Snyirr, I would like a Dec 22nd delivery if possible; next Thursday, the 15th is a possibility too.. I want to raise some corey fry as they keep spawning for me. So I'm not sure about breeding Betta yet and they have such a short window. Let me think on it.

My desk top is still in pieces. I'm not sure where I want it even. I am using my lap top on a regular phone line. :(
You sound like a woman who as been on hyperdrive mode trying to get the brakes to kick in :D

Great to have you back.

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