Mouth Fungus?

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May 24, 2005
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Western Washington
OK, I have a problem.

It's a big one.

I don't think there's a cure.

I bought another betta today - I couldn't help myself. :dunno: A bigger problem is, I almost bought like FIVE! They had so many that were good looking. If I had places to put them I would have done it. Ugh! What's a girl to do. Fortunately my dh just kind of smiled and shook his head when he saw the new guy. He did admit that he is particularly beautiful.

Ok, here's the real reason why I'm posting. We left the guy in his bowl to run an errand, came back a couple hours later and it looks like he kissed the topping of a merangue pie. His lips are white and I don't remember them being like that when we left. So is mouth fungus the only possibility and if so, how should I treat it. If it's possible it's something else is there something I should do in the meantime? When I set his bowl up I used AquaSafe but I do have salt I could disolve and add to the water if that would help. All I need is for one of you betta geniuses to let me know. :)
It could be columnaris... My girls had mouth fungus. One of my 3 did survive. I used a combo of maracyn and maracyn 2 antibiotics plus aquarium salt. Keep him isolated and with cooler water temp. If you read the above link it mentions antibiotic laced food. I hear it works really well.

Good luck
Thanks for the info, I'm keeping that link up. After I wrote the e-mail I checked him and the white was gone but it still looked a bit greyish and now I look at him and don't see anything at all. Weird! So, is it possible that it is something that I should treat or should I just watch. I can add the salt, I guess it wouldn't hurt I've just been running around all night doing other stuff. Sheesh.

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