Mouth fungus?


Fish Crazy
Jul 7, 2003
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Oklahoma (although I wish I wasn't)
I got these beautiful danios yesterday, but today I noticed something. The danio that I had already has always had a white colored tip on his lower jaw. I never noticed anything else that would lead me to believe that he had ich or white spot. The new danios, that both came from the same tank, have the white coloration but it looks like they have more skin on the tip. I didn't think it looked extra fuzzy or wooly. Should I be worried and treat the tank for mouth fungus? And if I do, will it be safe for my Pleco? I also have one platy that has a deep cut on his back fin.


And I should mention, the other fish in the tank where the new danios were didn't seem to have any sign of infection. All of the fish looked healthy and swam well.

And, after I bought the first danio, they moved the fish to another tank. Why, I don't know.
I've had the same problem chronically for the past month or so. Two bleeding heart tetras and two tiger barilius have it. If anyone has any ideas, please let us know! :(

- kip
I would treat it for the fungus do You have a hospital tank? If so that is where I would put them and some medicine will mess up your cycle and you will have to go threw all that mess again. My pleco starts breathing real fast when I have to treat my tank that is the reason why I avoid treating the tank he is in if any way possible
Val keep a close eye on him - if you think its mouth fungus then you need to treat it - but not a fugus med! - mouth fungus is infact a bacterial infection...

If its just one fish can you isolate and treat?

Ask the lfs if they've had any problems and are they still selling these fish?

:/ are you still cycling?

I thought that my old 10 gallon tank could become a hospital tank if I ever needed. But I didn't think I would need it right away, so it's sitting in the garage with the filter and heater in a box!
It's two fish that have the "problem."
I went back to the lfs and I took a thorough look at all of the fish, I didn't see anything wrong with any of the fish or the tank. I think 1 or 2 fish might've been sold.
I did a fish cycle and everything had been going great so I went ahead a took a chance.


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