Mouth Fungus


New Member
Feb 16, 2007
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Hi everyone. I'm a bit of a newbie at this and I have 3 fish with white fungus on their lower mouth. I've been using something called Melafix for the last 7 days and although my zebra danio is improving, my angel fish and pristella tetra aren't. Should I persevere or is there another product I should be using ? These fish are in my main tank with 4 others. Also, I've got a pregnant platy in my quarantine tank and she started giving birth last week - she popped 3 out, stopped for a few days and has popped another 4 out and stopped again. Should I be concerned - she's still a bit large with a noticable gravid spot. I'd appreciate any advice thanks.
Not sure about the platy but the mouth fungus aka columnaris wont clear up with Melafix, you need Pimafix and Myxazin for that ;)

Lower the temp a little, do a good water change and thorough gravel vac, and then add the meds (as I dont think you can do water changes during treatment if I remember rightly). Do the full 5 day course of Myxazin. :good:
Forget the melafix.
Myxazin and pimafix.
Good luck.

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