Mouth fungus


Fish Fanatic
Nov 27, 2003
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in my 30 gallon my rainbowfish all have white growths from their lips (mouth fungus??) its just the rainbows tho, i've done multiple water changes (sometimes 20% and sometimes 50%) i'm treating the entire tank with Mela Fix, it says it treats mouth fungus, but the growths on their lips don't go away, i've been treating for a week, then i did a 20% water change, ne ideas/comments???? -thanks :crazy:
It isn't actually fungus, it is flavobacterium columnare. And if it's f. columnare, you cannot do nothing and the sick fish must be put down.

check from web, if you find something about f. columnare: Do the all symptons are same as you have with your fish.

Also if not, then medicate the fishes with proper medicine, medicine for fungus not wide-effecting medicines, they usually are quite ineffeciteves..

And when you medicate, be sure there is enough oxygen in water and turn lights off (light can dissolve medicine). It would be also good, if you take your filter out of your tank (silt could bind medicine).
thanx! i dunno wuts wrong yet but its kind of an on and off thing, sometimes the fish have it sometimes they don't, but their eating and acting normal so i'll just have to keep looking for a cure

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