Mouth Fungus?


New Member
Mar 25, 2006
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Port Richey, FL
I came home today and I noticed something on my bettas lip. It looks like one of the blood worms that I fed to her last night and she is not letting go of it or like a piece of mold is growing off the top of her lip. The rest of my bettas are great and they are in the same conditions that she is in. Same style tank, same water, same treatment, same food. The only thing that is different is that she has gravel on the bottom of her tank rather than the aqua gems in the others. I think that that may have something to do with it. Gravel seems to be alot more cleaner compared to gems. She had gravel because that was the only thing that I had at the moment. Anyone know what might be wrong with her and if so what can I do to treat her? Please help me.
Do you mean a frozen bloodworm, i would sterlise a pair of tweezers, soak a cloth in tank water and wrap her in it, and remove the worm from her mouth.
Then i would use maracyn two for the mould on her mouth.

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