Mouth Fungus/cotton Wool Treatments


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2005
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Hi All

I believe that I 2 of my Galaxy Rasbora have Mouth Fungus or Cotton Wool. It does appear to be just below their mouths.

What is the best remedy for this disease, I am at the moment based in belgium so maybe a little difficult to obtain Pimafix and MYXAZIN which I keep reading are the best remedies on the forum.

I may have some melafix lying around in my flat or it could be back in the UK, not sure though, would have to check.

The only option I have so far is Furanol by JBL but reading about it, it affects filter bacteria and should not be used in a tank with shrimp.

Is there any other meds that maybe good? I suppose any remedies that do not affect filter bacteria and shrimps would be the best. I can then check the lfs here.

Many Thanks
I've just looked at my bottle of melafix and it can be used to treat mouth fungus. If you find you havent any melafix after all tea tree oil can be used. I wouldn't be able to tell you the quantities tho... someone else will have to jump in! sorry.

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