Mouth Breeders?


New Member
May 14, 2003
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Hi all. I have 4 cichlids that seem to be doing the mating thing. I would like to know if the Acie and Zebra are mouth brooders?

What about the Pearl Mutt and the Electric Yellow?

It seem that the Acie and the Zebra are quite the match but the Electric Yellow gets in there to, the Pearl Mutt is alot smaller than the rest and sometimes gets in the line of fire for being beat up. I had to one time remove it from the tank into a nursery tank, thankfully when I returned it they did not bother it anymore. Very unlike the cichlids to accept it back once removed, I was lucky I guess. Would this mean that the Pearl Mutt and the Electric yellow are males also?

Only the Zebra I have seen with a fully belly ready to burst. I did not buy these fish for breeding purposes but to have a nice cichlid display tank instead. But I guess mother nature turned that around for me. I was told that by buying 4 different fish they would not breed anyways.
Was I told something wrong?

Lynn ;) :D B) :/
It's not uncommon at all for mbuna to crossbreed and hybridize but this is DEFINATELY something that is frowned upon by hobbiest. If you have 4different fish and u spot a holding fm, then just let her spit into the main tank and nature will take it's course and the hybrid fry will just become food for the others but UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES TAKE THESE FRY TO THE LFS OR SELL THEM TO ANYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!if you want to raise a few of they fry up and have them just for the sake of having them then that's up to you but don't EVER SELL THEM OR GIVE THEM AWAY!!!!!hybrids just arn't cool ESPECIALLY when it comes to africans!!!!

oh and i do beleive that those are all mouthbrooders.

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