Mouth Almighty Information Wanted Australian Predatory Fish


Something smells humany
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Victoria Australia
At my LFS they have a australian native Glossamia aprion or Mouth Almighty....this fish has a big mouth and is a awesome fish but apparently it's a scavenger and ambushes small fish and swallows them whole.... Ok fine I can deal with that move all small kribs to 15 gallon and my rasbora's to... problem is I know nothing else about this fish any info would be great as a solid hour of searching the net has found me little good info.
At my LFS they have a australian native Glossamia aprion or Mouth Almighty....this fish has a big mouth and is a awesome fish but apparently it's a scavenger and ambushes small fish and swallows them whole.... Ok fine I can deal with that move all small kribs to 15 gallon and my rasbora's to... problem is I know nothing else about this fish any info would be great as a solid hour of searching the net has found me little good info.

Cool looking fish, definitely a good oddball. Are they keeping it with anything in the fish store?

A very nice fish. As you probably realise, this is a cardinalfish and in terms of care is identical to the marine species kept in reef tanks, except obviously a strictly freshwater fish. Peaceful, tolerant of its own kind but not a schooling fish except perhaps when young. Nocturnal. Doesn't get too big. Apparently up to 18 cm in the wild, but around 12 cm in captivity. Like a lot of freshwater representatives of marine families, it is basically hardy but sensitive to poor water quality and high nitrate levels. Otherwise seems to come from a wide range of different water chemistry environments from soft and acid through to hard and alkaline.

While it does eat small fish, it needs a much more varied diet than that as it feeds on all kinds of small animals including insect larvae, small shrimps, etc.

Some sources seem to recommend keeping them in slightly brackish water, at least initially, despite them being freshwater fish. Probably not required if the water quality is excellent (nitrates less than 20 ppm) but otherwise worth considering. SG 1.003 should be fine.

Cheers, Neale

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