Moustache Catfish

Ive seen them a couple of times, usually under the name of "upside down catfish" which seems to be the only name most lfs have for any species of Synodontis or their relations. Ive never bought them due to incompatability/tankspace issues but would like to try them in the future.
Well if I have a large enough tank one day (as I see they get up to about 12") I'd definitely like to have one/some of these. They look absolutely lovely ! Following that same link, this is they info it gives regarding tank mates :
"Although able to be kept with more sedate fish, boisterous Central American cichlids are an ideal mix for this fish as their messy eating habits provide plenty of food for the catfish. A good community fish for the larger tank."
And if you click in the navigation under "back to thumbnails and data" it gives some general info and lots more beautiful pictures.
Aww.... Me want :( Why can I only have room for a 2fter? Why can't I have a Mary Poppins room that looks normal but stretches to hold anything?

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