Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

your right and about the sand and your right about the bogwood messing around with the water movement :nod: now i have taken it all out the filters are picking up a lot more of the crap.
how are your new rays doing rrxx?
they are doing good.
one is very active and the other spends alot of time under the sand.
i have brought some live small shrimp which they love.
will update soon
im new to all this,i have no idea how to get a pic on the screen!! :no: :no: .
i can e.mail you a pic if you like,thats easy! :p :p .
im already on the look out for a very large tank for my stingrays.
they are fine in what there in as they are still verysmall, i was planning on an upgrade for them in a years time, im looking to get a large tank quite soon.any recomendations for a good large tank?.

i have noticed one of the rays has a VERY small nik missing from his side,it looks a little sore :/ .this was there when he arrived and it has stayed the same size and redness.

it looks like maybe a fish has had a go at him in the past :no: :no: :no:
im really glad i have brought the rays,they both look very happy and are both moving around a lot!.

i will keep a close eye on him
what is a good way to tell the sex of both my rays as i cant tell from any instructions i have already recived :good:

thats all for now.
look in the members pictures section in the pinned topics at the top it will explain how to post your pics :good:
you are gonna need a custom tank are you in the uk?
the ray may have been bitten at the lfs i would treat it with melafix.
the only way to sex them as far as i know is the 2 little dangly bits under the base of the tail
yes im i the uk, im on the look out now for a bigger tank now.
thanks very much for the recommended treatment,the guy at the lfs said thats what he suggest's.
i think i have two male rays from what i can gather.
i now have a discuss in with them,they all seem to fine,
the sand is very hard to keep clean so may look at getting a different bottom when the new tank comes.
:good: :good: :good: :good:

stingrayt not right :( :( :(
found him upside down on the bottom.
i have tested ph and thats at 7.2.
temp is at 80.
i feed then at 12pm and 1 is fine and was eating fine and 1 is not intrested.
i have put in the treatment called myxazin for his little cut and gave the recommended amount.
he is now sitting on the bottom,
i dont know what to do?????????
when did you put the medication in?it sounds like it could be the cause i would do a 30-40% water change asap to take out the meds :(
post this up in the emergency section
Stingrays cannot be treated with off the shelf medications with the exception of a few (melafix, pimafix and esha 2000 are the only 3 safe off the shelf medications i know of).

As cane says you have to get the medication out fast, a big water change and adding carbon to the filtration will help, though to be honest the damage is probably already done.
I dont want to be the bringer of bad news but the ray probably died due to the meds you added

their are not many meds that are ray safe hear is a list i know for sure are ray safe

salt (i never use this as rays are not a brackish water and salt stays in the water for a long time )

melafix (ray safe 100% i use it all the time)

Primafix (ray safe 100% good if you have fungus )

eSha 2000 (100% ray safe this stuf is great as it a multi treatment but does turn the water green over night )

for any fin or disk damage you cant go wrong with melafix

their may be other stuff but they are the only things i would ever put in a tank with a ray in
if thats the case why is his other ray ok it dont make sense surely the meds would of killed both rays?
i think there must of been a problem with the ray before the meds were added

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