Motoro Sting Ray Help Please******

the small live shrim river shrimp ghost shrimp or what ever you want to call it wont live long in the bag i would throw that in 1st

dont worrie about the neons they may be gone in the morning :D

i have put the neon's in another tank now as they were getting very close to the ray's tail and making the ray move1.
they were on bloodworm and shrimp at the shop.
how many live shimp shall i put in and if they are still there in 1 hour should i take them out?
they have settled down now and are both under the sand :good:
thankyou to everyone so far that has helped me in getting my first stingray's.
throw in 10 to start off with and see how it goes :good: if the river shrimp are still alive in the tank leave them in there it wont hurt :good: only take them out if they are dead.they will die quite quickly in such warm water.
being buried is a sign of stress try not to keep opening the tank and bothering them and maybe turn the lights off if you aint allready
as river shrimp is so expencive unless you spent like £3 on it i would throw the whole lot in when you go to bed and see if their is any left in the morning

river shrimp is salt cold water and wont live in the tank more than say 8hrs if it lasts that long :D

i put £10 of shrimp in my tank at one go and its all gone in less than 15mins :D

if you have lots of shrimp then put it in a bucket in the gardern and add a little bit of fresh water daily

try not to feed the rays to much shrimp as its very adictive and they may stop eatting dead food i try to feed shrimp once per week
great stuff,thanks
i live not for from a river that runs about a mile then into the sea.
i have been there before and lifted a few rocks when the river is low and there are hundreds of small shimp!!!!!!
so would that be ok to feed them from the local river,
maybe if i went down there and got maybe 50 and then kept them in the garden.the supply would be there for week.
i have tried buying river shrimp in bulk and keeping them alive for more than a few days is almost impossible for me :/
like T1K says they are more of a treat every now and then rather than a everyday food source.i also put them in once a week.more meaty foods like frozen prawns,mussles and fish are much easier
so i will feed a varity of chopped up mussel,earthworm?,liveshrimp,bloodworm.
what do you think is a healthy amount and what times should a feed and how much.
thankyou :good: :good: :good: :good:

do you think it will ok to put in 2 blue dolphin cichlid with my ray's?
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so i will feed a varity of chopped up mussel,earthworm?,liveshrimp,bloodworm.
what do you think is a healthy amount and what times should a feed and how much.
thankyou :good: :good: :good: :good:

do you think it will ok to put in 2 blue dolphin cichlid with my ray's?
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the cheapest and best way to feed rays is to go to the supermarket and buy big bads of frozen peeled prawns and brake them into say 3 bites when they are still frozen

forget the dolphin most chiclids are to aggressive you may be ok with a few geos
thanks alot everyone,
i only have one more question............

what is a healthy diet plan to follow..
how often to feed and how much.
cheers :D
thanks alot everyone,
i only have one more question............

what is a healthy diet plan to follow..
how often to feed and how much.
cheers :D

for rays smaller than 6inch 2 x good feeds twice per day morning and night when the ray gets to 7-8inch you can cut i down to one big feed per day

the amount you will have to judge for your self

the main food i feed my rays is frozen peeled prawns every day with the messy food like mussel on the water change day *nessy foods then 2-3hrs later i do the water change) i also throw in a hand full of carnivor pellets every day as they love them but they cost to much as their main food
i have a gravel type vac for my other tanks,
will this be ok for the sand or it hink it might take up to much of the sand??
any tips for cleaning the sand once a week?
i have a gravel type vac for my other tanks,
will this be ok for the sand or it hink it might take up to much of the sand??
any tips for cleaning the sand once a week?

no idear mate help with rays yes keeping sand clean i have no idear :D

i dont realy like the way sand sticks to a rays disk so i use a very fine smooth pebble gravel as i find it easyer to keep clean and it doesnt stick to the rays
i have noticed it does stay on the ray a little,maybe look into the stuff your using,is there a correct name to look out for?.
im thinking about using the same substrate in my new tank im sick of the sand sticking to the rays and clogging the filters
told you sand is more hassle than its worth

a very fine gravel is much more practical

the one i have is very small

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