Most Colorful Small Fish?


Aug 2, 2005
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uk Cumbria
well i'm wanting to get some colorful small fish for my newly planted tank and wanted some ideas. I was thinking some galaxy rasbora but they're bit too expensive any ideas. (not guppies swords or platies)
Thanks Jonny
i just bought 20 white cloud minnows for a couple of reasons and dispersed them in all my tanks.

theyre very cheap here (2 for $1) and are very colorful. i added 6 to my 3 gallon shrimp tank and they look stunning.

the rest (only 1 left) went in the bichir tank to give him some stimuli.

theyre smaller than neons and have a bright yellow/gold stripe with bright red fins tipped with yellow
rummy nose tetras - fluro pink face, silver body with a checkerboard black & white tail, look fanatastic in a shoal & have quite a bit of character for small fish. ( ours all stake out their own little patch of tank & spend all day chasing intruders (other rummys away) they then gather in a shoal when the moonlights come on.
The rummy nose tetra sounds like a good idea I've always wanted a large shoal of them. There's no real place to get endlers. I do like White coulds but I don't think they will suit the tank.

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