Moss Balls


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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So, back a bit ago there was a bit of a conversation about moss balls theorectically reducing algae growth in the tank due to them actually being algae balls and thus competiting for the same nutrients.

I decided, since they aren't that expensive, to go get some and see what happens! I've added them to my two tanks that don't have them(about a month ago)... and indeed... there is a reduction on how much algae is forming on my glass... in fact, I am cleaning it so much less that I am thinking maybe if I get a few more I may have hardly any algae on the glass at all!
If this is true, you may have found an answer to my prayers!

I tend to have a lot of algae growth, since the only place in my house I can fit my tank is VERY close to the window in our spare room. We keep the curtains closed, but some light still gets through.

I've been looking for a solution (apart from moving the tank!) so maybe this could be it.
What about algae on plants or any wood you have in your tank? Does the moss balls keep them any more algae free?

I remember reading that thread a while ago and wondering if it actually worked or not.
If this is true, you may have found an answer to my prayers!

I tend to have a lot of algae growth, since the only place in my house I can fit my tank is VERY close to the window in our spare room. We keep the curtains closed, but some light still gets through.

I've been looking for a solution (apart from moving the tank!) so maybe this could be it.

Dont get your hopes up, if you have a lot of algae moss balls arnt going to solve the problem. :good:
I'm not sure its made a difference on my plants, but then again I didn't attempt to clean it off my plants to see if it came back. (I don't have any wood). But, I was cleaning my glass every 2 days (brownish algae) and now I'm cleaning it about once per week. I have 2 large moss balls in a 60 litre tank and 3 in a 22 gallon tank. I intend to add more to see if it gets better.
I love my Moss Balls. :)

What about algae eating fish?

My UV filter seems to keep the algae at bay, even before I got the Moss Balls. However I'm not sure algae would be a problem because my it forms the basis of the natural diet of garra rufa fish in the wild. They love the algae wafers I give them.

The larger Moss Balls I purchased (on ebay) had a lot of debris inside them- a very good presoaking is reccomended.

Perhaps Moss Balls absorb a lot of debris- it is said that they need to be gently squeezed now and then to keep them clean. I pulled one apart to make 2, just hoping that it will eventually get a good shape back, that its fibres will join together again (I rolled it to make a ball, but still not quite the same).
I've never squeezed the one I've had for a long time... maybe I should.
I got one moss ball in my tank and i never got any algae and my tank is next to the window and i only get dirt forming no algae
I've inherited some moss balls with a second hand tank and its accoutrements included.
Just found them in top of the bucket full of gravel! They'll have been out of water for at least a couple of weeks but had been beneath a carrier bag with other bits in. I thought they were pebbles covered, but found them to be squishy when prodded. They're still deep green and quite wet. Should I soak them before adding them to my existing set up? How long would they live as they are in "just moist" conditions?
I have a tiny moss ball in my tank, but I hadn't seen it for about two weeks and thought my Flourish Excel had killed it. When I moved my tank I found it buried under sand and half of it had turned black! Well I squeezed it out pretty good and it seems to be doing happy again. Never had any algae in my tank to be able to say about that. I hear shrimp and fry like them though.
I love my moss balls!! Liz xty I would soak your moss balls then don't see a problem if they aren't completely dried out and are still green. My first ones (2years ago) were sent from Malaysia and took 18 days to arrive. They were in a bag with drops of water but are still going!! :) xxx
A bit of a bonus!! - didn't realise how beneficial these "blobs" were!
I'll give them a soak in a jug of tank water and add them to the old tank for now. Hopefully have some nice big blobs for my new set up.
Little bit excited!!!!

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