

Fish Crazy
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
Shropshire, GB
Good Morning All!

Well, My name is Will and I'm nearly as old as Tabbiespice! (a few posts below) I was given a tank by my sister-in-law about a year ago, but met with a bit of spousal resistance :) A year later, after intense pressure from our children, I had permission :D to spend my birthday money on the the remaining bits I need to get the tank running.

The tank was a 24x12x12, which is a little small I guess, but will give me a good grounding to get things under way. My filter is a Fluval+3, and the heater is a Visitherm 150w. I know these are propably considered oversized for the tank, but I bought them with the future in mind!

Anyway after two weeks of running a empty tank with pre-matured filter material, maturation fluid and flake, My nasties were down and and the nitates up. I did a partial water change and yesterday, my family went out to HollyBush Nurseries, near Cannock, and after a nice morning wandering around looking at the christmas things we bought 4 (very small) rare, exotic Zebra Danios ! It was a pleasure to see the kids faces as we released the fish into our tank, and even the wife appears to be showing interest! This morning, I checked the tank, and all four are still alive, thankfully. They seems happy :huh: in the tank and are feeding well ( a very small pinch twice day I think).

My aim in the future is a larger tank of Lake Malawi Cichlids, but for the next year or so, I need to learn about keeping a basic aquarium, with all that it entails, and also see if this fascinating hobby 'sticks'.

Any way, enough of me, I'll probably see you soon in the other forums.
Hi Will,

Welcome to the forums.
Seems to me you could be one of the more 'clued up' newbs! Sounds like you are on the right track!
Good luck, and see you around soon.

P.S - The other half will come around eventually, don't you worry! But she'll do an 'amazing disapearing trick' when it comes to perform your weekly maintainence!!
Glad to see youve got your better half onside.Zebras are tough little fish and the ones I cycled my tank with are still going strong
Welcome and good luck :D
Hi Will and welcome to the forums. :hi:

I hope you enjoy your stay. As ncjharis said, it sounds like you did your research and are on the right track.
P.S - The other half will come around eventually, don't you worry! But she'll do an 'amazing disapearing trick' when it comes to perform your weekly maintainence!!
Boy did you hit the nail on the head there. Actually, the first tank we got was a Christmas present for my wife last year (she had always wanted one) so I didn't really have to cinvince her to get one. But she has been so sweet to let me do all the maintanence, cleaning and water changes. :lol:

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