Morgunda Sumthin-or-other


Fish Herder
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
glenside, pa
not sure which this is, morgunda or adspersa. the shop said it was morgunda, but on reading the similarities between the two, i'm not positive.


if they're as similar as the profile says, it's not imperative that i know, i'm just curious. They're very amusing little fish so far :nod:

also, i'm curious about sexing them. we were guessing at the shop, but i think i actually have two females. I see what i believe are ovipositors (slightly visible in the picture) and both fish have 'em. I would prefer a pair to two girlies so finding that out as soon as possible would be very helpful.

thanks! :)
Im not sure what you mean, that fish is a purple spotted gudgeon, morgurnda adspersa, not one or the other.

Sorry, cant help you with sexing.
That looks like a Morgurnda mogurnda to me, M.adspersa have a row of red/purple spots on both the anal and second dorsal fins while M.morgurnda only have spots on the second dorsal and a line of red/purple on the anal fin though at small sizes identification isnt always 100%.

To sex them look at the genital pappilia (spelling?) which is what thought was a ovidepositor, girls have short blunt ended papilia while males are longer and pointed.
no worries, geo, it didn't read as clearly as it sounded in my head :lol:

thanks, CFC. That helps, and the ID is nice as well. I know it doesn't make a difference, but I like to know. If, like i think it is, the fish in the picture is a female, then I have two females. Annoying, but not the end of the world. Having a certain way to ID the genders is good, though.

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