More Thoughts On My Lighting....


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
San DIego
I just figured something. my planted tank is one of my 55 gallons. 48l 18w 24t.
threw a simple math formula, i figured with 110 w i will need to run the lights for 15 hours a day for the plants to do well. 15 is too long. i need more light. and i cant afford the nifty lighting assemblies (why i made my own). i need about 40w more. no more room on the top of the tank. will shining a light or two from the sides help? i do not want to give up on these plants. i have low to medium light plants. wife wants me to just go back to how it was before. grrrrrr. :S
Plants grow towards the light- if you light from the sides, some of your plants will lean that way.
Depends on what type of light you shine from the side, I doubt a desk lamp will do much good
Well thats settled. A friend said he would take the plants off my hands, this way the plants still survive. And I seceded to the wife and agreed to arrange the tank as it was before. only this time, im using a black substrate. mostly sand with a little bit of gravel. Thanks for the help though. I just dont want to kill plants because im too proud.
Ok.. here is what I did when it came to this problem myself.

I removed the light that was in there... then placed reflective tape all around the insides of the light cover.. Then placed a doubled light socket ended lamp head in there... I then took 2 mini compact lights (if you do this buy ones labeled "Day light" as that is 6500k.. anything else is the wrong spectrum..) then did this on each cover. :D

depended on wattage you can get massive ammounts of WPG. mine was going to end up beign 4.3 WPG! I quickly changed to 40's and got 2.9 WPG. :hey:


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