More Than One Plec?


New Member
Mar 5, 2012
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Manchester, United Kingdom
Can more than one plec be together? I'm going to be getting a new 200L tank soon and my plec that i have had a few years is going in there, i was wondering if it would be territorial and aggressive if i introduced another into the tank?


  • pleco_sailfin1.jpg
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Mine looks like this one and about 17cm long

what kind of plec?

Looks like a Common Pleco but I'm terrible with names ;) If it is, you'll need a bigger tank. These guys can get up to 40-50cm and live for around 10 years. I think you'll need a bit more than 200 litres. 2 of the same-sex plecos can get quite nasty with each other, too. Especially as they get older and bigger.

I might be wrong though, I'm sure one of the more experienced forum members will clarify this for you.
In which case, the fish will get to be around 45cm long (18 inches approx). You'll need a bigger tank for one, nevermind two. :eek: Sorry! It is suggested that they have around 100gallons (450L) to themselves.

If there is any way you could give him away to your local LFS and get something like a bristlenose pleco or perhaps a slightly bigger Gold Nugget Pleco. They are slow growers but eventually the Sailfin will be way too big for a 200L tank I'm afraid :(

If kept alone, you're more than welcome to keep a school of 6 or 7 Cory catfish (for example) in with them since Pleco's only get aggressive to their own species in a 200L tank (and you'll still have the option of some surface feeders).

EDIT: Again, I would like another member to clarify this info since I might be mis-informed. :)

Best of luck whatever happens!
I'e had it for a good 8 years and hasnt gotten any bigger, thats why i was going to move him into a bigger tank ;o

And i wasnt planning on getting another of the same kind, i had seen a zebra pleco that looked very nice

In which case, the fish will get to be around 45cm long (18 inches approx). You'll need a bigger tank for one, nevermind two. :eek: Sorry! It is suggested that they have around 100gallons (450L) to themselves.

If there is any way you could give him away to your local LFS and get something like a bristlenose pleco or perhaps a slightly bigger Gold Nugget Pleco. They are slow growers but eventually the Sailfin will be way too big for a 200L tank I'm afraid :(

If kept alone, you're more than welcome to keep a school of 6 or 7 Cory catfish (for example) in with them since Pleco's only get aggressive to their own species in a 200L tank (and you'll still have the option of some surface feeders).

EDIT: Again, I would like another member to clarify this info since I might be mis-informed. :)

Best of luck whatever happens!
I'e had it for a good 8 years and hasnt gotten any bigger, thats why i was going to move him into a bigger tank ;o

And i wasnt planning on getting another of the same kind, i had seen a zebra pleco that looked very nice

In which case, the fish will get to be around 45cm long (18 inches approx). You'll need a bigger tank for one, nevermind two. :eek: Sorry! It is suggested that they have around 100gallons (450L) to themselves.

If there is any way you could give him away to your local LFS and get something like a bristlenose pleco or perhaps a slightly bigger Gold Nugget Pleco. They are slow growers but eventually the Sailfin will be way too big for a 200L tank I'm afraid :(

If kept alone, you're more than welcome to keep a school of 6 or 7 Cory catfish (for example) in with them since Pleco's only get aggressive to their own species in a 200L tank (and you'll still have the option of some surface feeders).

EDIT: Again, I would like another member to clarify this info since I might be mis-informed. :)

Best of luck whatever happens!

That's OK then! As I said, if you get another, it could potentially get very big and male plecs especially develop a bad mood as they get older but only towards their own species usually. I think it's a territorial thing. :) You should be OK if the pleco's are of a similar size (and stay that way) in a 200 litre tank with a tonne of caves and hiding spots.

Lcukily and also sadly, it sounds like the growth of your one was stunted somewhere in his lifespan.
Sounds like we need an actual photo of the 17cm catfish in question, rather than posting a relatively random photo in the thread, identifying what you have is essential to knowing its needs and its likely behaviour with other tankmates,
The fish linked above is P. gibbiceps, if you have one of those then a 200l is nowhere near big enough.

Photos of your fish would really help
i'll try getting a picture of it when it decides to come out of hiding, like i said, i've had it for a goo 8 years and it hasnt gotten much bigger :L

The fish linked above is P. gibbiceps, if you have one of those then a 200l is nowhere near big enough.

Photos of your fish would really help

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