More Stocking Ideas Required


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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I've been annoying the Chat Crew, but they're all rubbish at stocking ideas, so lets post here.

Fluval 4+, next week I'll be (finally) putting on an Eheim 2213 (with about 1/3 sponge and 2/3 Substrat Pro, or similar)


1x senegal
1x delhezi
2x assorted dwarf giraffe cats
1x gold sev

And a couple of smaller fish that might be moved when I find a nice tank to river-ify.

I want another senegal, but won't if I can't find a 5"+ male, and might get some pictus if I can find any. But apart from the sev, the fish spend 99% of the time in hiding, which doesn't make for anything interesting. So big and active is a plus.

Edit- You can really sense the feeling of business with this tank...

How many gallons is that?
Is the 12" the width or height?
I imagine its about 60g ish, in which case your pretty well stocked, allthough if you overfilter then you should be able to add some more things.
How about a freshwater archer (Toxotes microlepis), white lined pims (if you can find them) hoplos are quite active if I remember rightly. However if I were you I wouldnt add anything else to the bottom, there are probs allready some terretory problems down there as is. You could go with silver dollars, but when adult they would produces quite a large bio load. ABFs are another option...
12" width, unfortunately. It should be pretty well overfiltered, the media in the eheim should give a huge surface area, so bioload is no problem.
Righty ho. You could go with snakehead/s too, theyll be interesting. Halfbeaks are great, mine are allways out and about. Not sure on what else really, I would go for an archer though if it were me...
Just because you don't like any decent fish we suggest doesn't make us useless :D

I will suggest again though, cichlids.

You could go with snakehead/s too

I suggested SH's but she shot that down too....
I've been annoying the Chat Crew, but they're all rubbish at stocking ideas, so lets post here.

rumbled lol

What about leaf fish, there are a few wich hit 6" or more...although if you are looking for colour and movement what about Torpedo Barbs or Boesman Rainbows?

Both of those get to about 6" and are broad/fast enough not to get eaten
Eheim up and running today (even though the output's in a bit of a dodge place, but anyways). That's filled with about 1/2 Substrat Pro, almost 1/2 plastic pot scrubbers and a round sponge pad. So tres surface area in there (and, as I've said already, there's the Fluval 4+ too).

I got a Geophagus sp. Saturday too. Well, I'm having terrible fun trying to ID it, helped even more by none of the Fishbase pictures matching. Normal Geo shape, eye stripe, two small spots on the side (when relaxed), shimmery ish body, black bit on the top front bit of the dorsal. So if anyone has the foggiest, you can have a cookie.

Edit- I think i'm keeping that cookie... It's a heck of a twist, but methinks I've ened up paying a whole £4 for a young (possibly female) threadfin acara... Confirmed by this extremely similar picture of a juvie from t'internet


Yay :)
Maybe a smaller knife fish depending on how your severum is.

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