More sick fish


Mar 1, 2004
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I just got back from the LFS, they handed me a Seabay, and a green mandarin. The Mandarin was getting beaten up by others in the tank, but other than a few tourn fins is looking pretty good. He will get my reef to himself for a few weeks. The Seabay has some kind of fungal infection and a swollen mouth, he gets his own 10 gallon tank for a wile. I also noticed that there was a 4 stripe damsel that had velvet. He was doomed to the big flush, the store owner was not planning on sending him with me. LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND! I got him. Once he starts feeling better I will find him a good home. I am thinking about giving the seabay and the damsel a fresh water dip, followed by Melafix and Pimafix. Once they start looking better I will move them to a copper tank for a week or two before I send them to a new home or back to the store, just to make sure they dont have any parasites.
A fresh water dip? :blink: whats that i have necer hearded of that please explain. :wub:
a freshwater dip is where you put your fish in freshwater for a short time to kill off diseases that it may have. the fish can survive for a short time but some diseases cannot. the dip can help cure your fish of potentially fatal diseases sometimes.
If you ever try this, dont exceed 15 min. Also you must keep a close eye on the fish. If it starts acting strange, darting around looses color, you must get it out ASAP! Use RO water and get the temp. exact to the tank temp. before putting the fish in!
as I understand it you need to get the ph right as well.
I believe with baking soda... but don't quote me there.
I haven't dipped before... but now that I am going to have more critters I will be Q tanking 4 weeks and dipping as well.
absolutely right. i haven't done it either but pH with baking soda and temp must be as close as possible to original tank parameters.
I was also considering a increased salinity dip, that way I could just use water out of the tank. I have never tried this before, but I have heard of others having good luck with it. Any thoughts on this would be welcome.
I believe it depends on what you are attempting to treat. There is no universal treatment. I am loathe to recommend. When I have an issue like this I take it to the disease experts on RC rather than experiment with my expensive livestock.

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