I just got back from the LFS, they handed me a Seabay, and a green mandarin. The Mandarin was getting beaten up by others in the tank, but other than a few tourn fins is looking pretty good. He will get my reef to himself for a few weeks. The Seabay has some kind of fungal infection and a swollen mouth, he gets his own 10 gallon tank for a wile. I also noticed that there was a 4 stripe damsel that had velvet. He was doomed to the big flush, the store owner was not planning on sending him with me. LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND! I got him. Once he starts feeling better I will find him a good home. I am thinking about giving the seabay and the damsel a fresh water dip, followed by Melafix and Pimafix. Once they start looking better I will move them to a copper tank for a week or two before I send them to a new home or back to the store, just to make sure they dont have any parasites.