More Sick Betta Questions


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
Okay, I've been treating Moe for whatever he has since Monday. His tummy hasn't changed in size at all. He has had strictly peas for a diet, is on anti-bacterial and anti-parasite and fungus medicines, and does not seem to be improving.

Well, the fin rot is definitely improving/going away, but the bloated stomach is not.

There is no evidence of the pine cone effect yet, that I can see, and the fish is acting semi-normal.. he rests a little more than usual, but he still swims about, watches us pesky humans at the computer and is still pretty social with us.

Any ideas on what I should do? How long should it take for this to go away? (Will it go away?)

Do you think my poor fishie is hurting? ;_;

*whimper* My poor Moe!
Y'know, I've been reading your threads about this with interest. I have had ill bettas last week til now, and one of the two worst cases sounded a bit like yours. It was my purple halfie, and he had bad finrot. So he was seperated, and treated with BettaMax. Didn't seem to help and then he swelled up. He spent about 5 or 6 days, just lying on the bottom of the tank, sometimes on his side, with a bloated little belly, breathing heavily. I would have to go over and check to make sure he wasn't dead. I had to lower his water so he could reach the top to breathe. I hadn't been feeding him much, so I didn't think it was constipation. However, I gave him some pea about 4 days ago, and man - the next morning his tank looked like a betta porta potty had exploded. Cleaned up his space, a third treatment of BettaMax - By tues. he had perked up and was no longer lying at the bottom of the tank. Yesterday, he was looking really great, so after 3 treatments of BettaMax, I cleaned his tank and added salt and som bettaFix.

I was sure he was going to die, but he's doing much better now. I don't really have any advice, but don't give up.
I've been feeding peas, and I haven't had the luck of a betta porta potty come up yet :( I wish, though!

I think its dropsy, and I'll have to hope the anti-bacterial I have is strong enough to help him :(
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Also, he might have trouble dealing with 2 or 3 different meds at once - meds many times fall into the "if it doesn't kill him, it'll make him stronger" category. Have you checked to make sure they can be used together? (I'm sure you have, just trying to cover all the bases for you! ;)

It's not over till it's over. Stick with him, he may be just fine. My guy was looking almost dead and in pain and unhappy, but I bet he's glad now that I didn't put him down!
yeah, the medicine I got is specifically designed to play nice together.. Same brand, same company, and with a "May be used with products of this line at same time" sticker on label.

He just looks so unhappy right now :(
:-( I'm sorry to hear about all your bad luck Becca. I know what you're going through. So, I definitely feel ya...

I have a betta that is in bad sorts also. I think he has permanent swim bladder disorder, but he has learned to cope extremely well and ever since I got him has perked up a lot. He has gotten over fin rot also, but still is a belly glider. I've even fasted him for 5 days and fed him peas, but I think it is permanent. He doesn't seem to mind since I've made everything readily available for him though. He's a good sport! I'm very proud of him :)

Please keep us updated on how he is progressing.

-- Leigh Ann
It's so hard to watch them like that, too. My guy was on death's door, I thought. I started only looking occasionally. In fact, I ended up putting a pillowcase over his tank, arguably to keep him calm and resting, but really, a big part of that was so I wouldn't have to look at him.

You are doing all you can. Don't switch treatments, just keep using what you're using. He may suprise you with his recueperative abilities.

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