more pictures of my unknown mutt sadie....


Feb 7, 2004
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Taylor. Michigan
i got bored and decided to take more pics of my doggy sadie....the unknown mutt.
my parents need to learn how to do my last thread, i said she was nine, cuz thats what they said. then they told me her b-day and year, and come to find out, she is 7yrs old, and will be 8 on september 2nd.

any way, people say she looks definetly like a jack...but i think she's too big for that....what do you think?

here she is playing dead

this is a good pic to tell her size...she ain't no lap dog!

and this is the odd white line thing on the back of her head
and these are some of the slightly older pics of her...

this is her just chillin on her doggy bed

this was a pic i tried to take to also show her size.....that thing next to her is my bf.

this is the big brown spot!!

and this is just her looking sorroful n stuff....

hope ya liked them :D maybe even enough for potm :hey: :hyper:
sorry, for a dog that big there's no jack russell in her...maybe way, way, way, back in the line, :p but russells are definitely smaller than that, and in a couple of the pics it looks like she's got freckles or something on her back and legs, russells are pure white except for whatever brown or black markings they might have, besides i think yours could eat one for lunch! :fun:
ya...i didn't really think she was, but people who saw her pics on my last post said she was definetly part jack. those little spots you see cover her entire body! :crazy:

we have no clue what she is....just a "maybe she's part *this*" here and there....but nothing is for sure.

she's one purebred mutt!
I never cared what my dogs were made up of. As long as they were great to the family, that was all that mattered.
With those spots and markings I would say she definitely has some cattle dog in her.
Here's one link: Cattle dog
It's an Australian Cattle Dog. Your dog is definitely not a purebred but that coloring is pretty unique to the ACD. With the face there could be some lab in there too.
who knows. lol.

she could just be such a mess of breeds, that all ditinct traits of anything are gone!

no one even knows what her mom was. i've never seen her, but the people we bought sadie from told us they didn't know. people found the mom in an abandoned building pregnant. she was mean, so they had to put her down. so they decided that before putting her down, they'd let her have her pups. they never did see the dad, so god knows what he could've been. :blink:

:EDIT: hmm...she's sleeping...pic time! :D last time i tried to take pics of her sleepin, i woke her up! i'll get her this time! :nod:
Possibly lab mixed with brittney spaniel...brits have the red freckles and her face is a brit/lab cross look...

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