Equipment make/model/size: aqua one air pump stella 200d
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: no longer used
Delivery or Collection: both
Sales price: £12
Postage & Packaging: £3
Location: Devon
Equipment make/model/size: algarde ornaments and coconut cave SOLD PENDING PAYMENT TO xweeqtx
Quantity for sale: 3 pieces
Reason for Sale: no longer needed
Delivery or Collection: both
Sales price: £17
Postage & Packaging: free
Location: Devon
Equipment make/model/size: Sydeco Artificial plants (2 x fan grass,1 x oasis plant)
Quantity for sale: 3
Reason for Sale: not needed
Delivery or Collection: both
Sales price: £20
Postage & Packaging: free
Location: Devon
Equipment make/model/size: Stress coat water conditioner (un-opened) SOLD PENDING PAYMENT - TO liamq1285
Quantity for sale: 1 x 1.9L
Reason for Sale: no longer needed
Delivery or Collection: both
Sales price: £17.50
Postage & Packaging: free
Location: Devon
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: no longer used
Delivery or Collection: both
Sales price: £12
Postage & Packaging: £3
Location: Devon
Equipment make/model/size: algarde ornaments and coconut cave SOLD PENDING PAYMENT TO xweeqtx
Quantity for sale: 3 pieces
Reason for Sale: no longer needed
Delivery or Collection: both
Sales price: £17
Postage & Packaging: free
Location: Devon
Equipment make/model/size: Sydeco Artificial plants (2 x fan grass,1 x oasis plant)
Quantity for sale: 3
Reason for Sale: not needed
Delivery or Collection: both
Sales price: £20
Postage & Packaging: free
Location: Devon
Equipment make/model/size: Stress coat water conditioner (un-opened) SOLD PENDING PAYMENT - TO liamq1285
Quantity for sale: 1 x 1.9L
Reason for Sale: no longer needed
Delivery or Collection: both
Sales price: £17.50
Postage & Packaging: free
Location: Devon