More Lighting


Team TetraTEC
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Oxford - UK
I'm currently running 2 x 54W HO iQuatic Tropical tubes on my 112g (US) tank.

I've just ordered an extra starter and two tubes to make it 4 x 54W HO which should bring me very close to 2WPG

My lights are on for 8 hours currently, i have 10 times turn over in the tank, use FE to deliver CO2 inline and dose using EI daily with dry ferts.

Once the extra lighting is in place would it be a good idea to bring down the lighting to 6 hours and slowly build it up again? Or just carry on with the 8 hour period?

What would you doooooooooo?! :D

i'd start with 6 hours again, this way you have a little room to get the C02 right, as that may need upping a little as well.

why have you upped it??
The corners of my tank are darker than the middle area because of the way the tubes are centered. So with 4 tubes i can stagger the lighting in the hood and light up 100% of the tank.

Can be seen in this pic:


Its also a little bit experimental on my part, stepping it up to what i guess will be Hi-Tech? But it also means that in the future, if i get another big tank (which is likely) i can rob this one of half its lights if necessary and the wife wont moan at me too much. Shes in a good mood at the moment, she might not be later on :D

While i have your attention, can you think of any other plants i can dump in there?

The Sag is doing really well, old 12 inch leaves have died off and new growth is coming through :good:
You're already high tech, anything c02 addition makes a tank high tech. I see what you mean re the dark areas, as said. As for plants, you should be able to grow anything in those conditions
You're already high tech, anything c02 addition makes a tank high tech. I see what you mean re the dark areas, as said. As for plants, you should be able to grow anything in those conditions

Oh aye, i've been experimenting quiet a bit, with clippings and such. However, anything red just keels over and snuffs it! bah.
sometimes you have to be a little patient with red plants, most of them are grown out of water in an atmosphere of 300ppm of C02, then we plonk em in a tank with hopefully around 30ppm, and guess what...the wilt and seem to die, however most are just getting used to the new environment. If they do loose leaves, sometimes it's best to nip the tops and re plant the tops. Ensure there's C02 distribution and flow around the red stems and they should do OK under the light. Have you though about aponogeton reds?
Humm no, i've not yet, but iirc they are bulb jobs? Any recommended supplier? I'll give anything a crack!

Woah, found some on TGM, pricey!

Crinum thaianum XL looks like it might be a nice filler, not really sure about those though :eek:
boom, new lighs in, tank looks a lot better, much brighter and fishies stand out lot more!

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