More Green Terror Advice


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Herefordshire, England

My green terrors have spawned for the second time in two months. I'd only just taken her off her last lot of babies and now within a week she's laying more. I'm not going to raise any more fry so when should I take the little ones off her? I read somewhere the male will hassle her to death if I take them away too early, but I don't want to leave them too long as they're in my community tank with my clown loaches who they won't allow out to feed.

Any ideas?
Leave the fry. They will eventaully get eaten. Green Terrors dont really belong in a community. What size tank and what is in it?
They're in a 55 gallon. I was planning to upgrade soon, but I still think I might get rid of the male terror anyway. They've both got a good temperament by themselves but I'm worried about the stress on the other fish with all this spawning going on.

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