I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Well, I thought I was done losing fish after Torque and the six harlequins...but I was wrong.
I knew the temperature was going to be seriously hot outside, so before I left for work yesterday morning, I put our big fan in the fish room to blow cold air on the tanks, I left the window open with the blinds shut to get some air flow in the room, and I unplugged the heaters (just in case).
Everything I did was for naught.
When I came home and checked the tanks...each had a temp of 90+!
It was so hot and humid outside (over 90 degrees), that it just didn't matter what I had done to prevent the overheating of the tanks. I lost three yellow swordtail, one zebra danio, and Kraut, my little crab. 
I know I did eveything I could, but I just feel horrible.
my little friends. 

Everything I did was for naught.
When I came home and checked the tanks...each had a temp of 90+!

I know I did eveything I could, but I just feel horrible.