More Fish Deaths


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
Well, I thought I was done losing fish after Torque and the six harlequins...but I was wrong. :sad: I knew the temperature was going to be seriously hot outside, so before I left for work yesterday morning, I put our big fan in the fish room to blow cold air on the tanks, I left the window open with the blinds shut to get some air flow in the room, and I unplugged the heaters (just in case).

Everything I did was for naught.

When I came home and checked the tanks...each had a temp of 90+! :blink: :crazy: It was so hot and humid outside (over 90 degrees), that it just didn't matter what I had done to prevent the overheating of the tanks. I lost three yellow swordtail, one zebra danio, and Kraut, my little crab. :-(

I know I did eveything I could, but I just feel horrible. :sad: :-(

:rip: my little friends. :-(
Sorry about your fish. :-(

I feel your pain, my fellow mid-westerner. It's so humid out. It's like a sauna. Are you near Lake Michigan?
WoW........I'm sorry about that!! you think you could buy a really small one for that room??

Sorry again!

Thanks guys. :wub:

cometcattle - Yeah, we are about 45 minutes north of Milwaukee, WI, so we are pretty close to the lake. It's been raining like crazy for the past few days, but no let up in the humidity. :/

silver - We are going to get a little air conditioner for this of those window ones. I don't want this happening again. :sad:

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