More Ferret Pictures!


Jun 15, 2004
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These are a couple of pictures of Ben and Jerry, my youngest two ferrets. They weren't quite fully grown in these pictures, but they still have the silly 'vacant' expression that young ferrets all seem to have! They are in a little run in these photos because they were still too small to introduce to my other four at this stage (four adults against two babes isn't fair at all). After a delicate introduction period all six of my ferrets now live together happily.


Ben's on the left and Jerry's on the right! You can tell the difference because Jerry has a cream splodge on his neck and chest and Ben doesn't. Also, Ben's mask is slightly darker than Jerry's. Otherwise they are practically identical!
Cute dog!
I mean, ;)
I love them they are adorable. I have one baby ferret who does very well with the 5 adults. He whips the pants off from the other five. I am thinking about getting me one more female since I have 5 males and 1 female. What do you think should I buy another female or not..
Angel Lady - How do you deal with the smell of the waste from 6 ferrets!
My 3 gross the heck out of me every about 3 days, and the smell seems to happen all of a sudden!
Their waste smells worse then anything but they are the greatest little animals. I don't know what i'd do without them...but holy cow are they messy. Plus to boot, 2 outta 3 refuse to use the litter box and crap on the second shelf which is a PAIN!
For me...if i didn't love the little one so much - 3 would be too many. 2 is a perfect number of ferrets, but that's just me.
The smell is awful. but I liter box train mine as soon as they hit the door, also I bathe my ferrets oncwe a week. I couldnt make it without mine..
Every 3 days??
Ferrets need to be cleaned twice a day - at a minimum once a day. But no way should it be every 3 days :S
Also, AngelLady - bathing once a week is OK, however if you are not careful you can remove their natural skin oils so I would go with every 2 weeks.
I only ever bath my ferrets if they've accidentally fallen in poo or mud or food. Otherwise I just change their bedding every couple of weeks so it doesn't get too smelly and I clean them out once a day. Although my six ferrets live outside, so smell isn't so much of a problem for me. They live in a big 3-storey hutch outside most of the time and get put into an avery run for a few hours each day to play, wrestle and unwind. I clean both the hutch and the run each day.
Angel lady - female, male? Makes no difference really! I only have one female to five males, but because everyone's neutered (except Ben and Jerry... they will be done later in the winter) it really makes little difference. Whichever sex you fancy! :D
my ferrets don't live in a tiny cage...their condo is HUGE!!!!!! twice a day is major overkill, in their cage, once a day is overkill...absolutely no need. They don't even come in contact with their own feces unless it's on the shelf - which i don't leave. IF they don't use the litter box and go in a corner - it falls through the grate on the bottom

and this is my knot of ferrets
Sydley, Diego and Kaylee

They do get baths once in a while except Kaylee gets more cause she loves the water - the others don't care for it so unless they're dirty, i don't bother.
My ferrets have the most prettiest winter coat I have ever seen. I have been watching them for few days I cant believe my eyes they are beautiful. I will post pictures today..
Awwwww I know! They go all frosty looking this time of year. Mine are so unbelievably plush this winter. If I didn't love them so much I'd make them into a nice hat and gloves set :lol:
Moonshine and Muddle have the best coats this year... honestly it's like feather down it's so soft. But deep and thick and shiny as well. :wub:
This weekend I'm going to the Hants and Berks Ferret Club show, where all the ferrets in the club are judged and given rosettes. It's not taken too seriously... just a bit of fun! Hehe... although I can say that easily since last year Muddle was supreme champion, the year before that Moonshine won his category and the first year I was a member Slinky won his category and also won the racing! :D
With their coats so spectacular this year I'm hoping that I can get a repeat performance :nod:.

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