More Danios?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2009
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55L TANK which has 1 goldfish, 2 platys, 3 zebra danios and 1 baby chinese algea eater which are already in the tank but i found 3 very good lookin' yellow zebra danios, so i want to now if this would be okay to get another 2 or 3.

could the dramatic coluor differences effect their play time (since their always playing thay might not be accepted into the game), who knows danios could be racess!
what's so bad about the goldie? and you never see the CEA cuase he's in with all the plants (it's a very well planted tank, i could post some photos if ya want) the temp is 24 to 27 in summer
the goldfish is 3 cm. very small
The Goldfish will grow a lot more and they need a lot of space (many people keep them in unfiltered bowls, often 2 or 3 at a time which is unnacceptable). That aside, the danios aren't racist, their colour won't affect them. If not for the gold fish I'd say put more in.
i was planning to give the goldfish to a friend or something like that when it get's bigger so i might do that now instead.
so then there's 2 platys, 1 CAE and some danios, but how many more danios?
i was planning to give the goldfish to a friend or something like that when it get's bigger so i might do that now instead.
so then there's 2 platys, 1 CAE and some danios, but how many more danios?

I'd say 6 or maybe 8 as they are schooling fish.

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