More Corys?

Dec 10, 2003
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Newcastle, England

I have 3 corys left in my 16UK/19US tank after 3 died of someting unknown but I treated for internal bacteria and it's better.

I was losing them very suddenly and whatever it was seemed to go for corys as I lost 3 of them (1 schwartzi, 1 albino and 1 julii). That ended a couple of days ago and although I am not doing anything now, I am wondering whether I should get some more corys. Mine never really seemed to school together, but the albinos and the peppered stay together now. The peppered have always stayed together.

So, do I need more and if so do they need to be the same kind? I would maybe like to have another albino and 2 different. Maybe Panda? My lfs have lots of different ones. Including really big ones which I think are Schwartizi.

I already know that people are going to say I should get more but I also want to know from people who only have a few ok as my tank is pretty small.

Ideas welcome.
Sorry about the wait, i haven't been on the forums for almost 4 days now :crazy: . i would say get 3 of the same species, they will prefer it better and school more often.
And dont worry 3 will be ok. It's better to not over stock your tank anyways. I know someone who has a 50 gallon with only 1 cory that shares the space with a huge pleco and a clown loach. Cory seems fine, but also she said she will eventually be getting more.

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