More changes on maturing African Yellow Tail Tetra male…

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Well, since I posted the “dance off” pictures.. I’ve noticed some more changes in the yellow tail male… he’s still flashing with the interuptus male, but previously had a more silver body… the interuptus male, has that typical iridescent rainbow colors on its body… today I noticed that the yellow tail is less silvery, and has. Purple/blue darker iridescent to him… tried taking a couple pictures, but my glass needs cleaning, after the BacterAE treatment the other day… so pictures are hard in this tank in the 1st place… even more difficult today
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There is an old adage in fish keeping that says...

"Keep front glass clear" it mean's inside and outside... :blink:

I finally was able to drink enough, to say it...

so on this species, I originally ordered 4 yellow tails, & got 3 females ( which are plain silver fish, so not very interesting ) I just spoke with one of my favorite on line sellers, they have had these listed for a while... I asked if by chance they had any extra males ( explaining my situation ) & he said he had about 10 more males, than females, & since I'm a repeat buyer, he agreed to only send me a couple males on my next order, if requested... maybe that will give the original yellow tail, someone to flash with, & give my interruptus male a break??? or all all hades could break loose???
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now the question... as far as world peace goes, am I better off with 3 males, & 3 females, or 2 males, & 3 females??? the tank is pretty crowded... so I'm thinking just one...

as it is, I have been looking at these...Alestopetersius Smykala... they look a lot like the interruptus family... but @GaryE ... had a story about an African "axe murderer" that had blue coloration... so I'm a bit paranoid... I have a pretty peaceful tank going right now...

They are innocent.

I had smykala, and they were okay - far from colourful but okay.

New males may nip at each others' fins, but aggression can be reduced in these fish by letting them burn off excess energy in quicker moving water.
2 new young male yellow tails today… typical tetras.. everyone is getting along
Mature male, with a younger one
Ah… peace is a good thing… no issues ( at least right away ) in this tank… issues may break out, when the new yellow tails reach full maturity, but today we’re all shoaling

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