More Bud pics (Veiled Chameleon)


Sep 5, 2004
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I lost t'other thread with t'other pics. So heres a new one with new pics.




He can do some impressive colour changes, even though he's still a juvie...
He's fantastic, I've always wanted a chameleon, but I'm told that they're hard to keep.

I love their xygodactyl feet, just like parrots & koalas, ideal for an arboreal lifestyle! Parallel evolution in action! :cool:
Oh cool, thanks for finding that. I posted in a different forum, that's why I lost it :D

I'll just update this one from now as he's a pet and in my household ;)

Thanks for all the comments guys.

SirMinion, "hard" is a relative term. Some chameleons are exceptionally difficult to keep. Veiled chameleons are classed as a beginner chameleon, but they need a lot of work. It's not complex, just time consuming. I spend about 30 mins every day looking after him (cleaning up, misting etc). I then spend about another 30 mins every 2 days preparing his food. Every week I shower him for an hour. It's definitely doable, as long as you're prepared to do it.

It's totally worth it when he eats from my hand though :)
potm on the shower picture the one of him getting out of the shower..Awsome Lizard.. Are they very costly???I want me one I have one but I cant spell his name....
Angel Lady said:
potm on the shower picture the one of him getting out of the shower..Awsome Lizard.. Are they very costly???I want me one I have one but I cant spell his name....
I'll second that nomimation!! (or for any of his pics! ) I just love Bud :wub:
Angel Lady said:
Are they very costly???
I've looked into this too - here in the UK they seem to be anything from £35 for a juvenile up to about £120 for adult. I found some great info on the too :) (or Yemen Chameleon as they seem to be called too). But it does seem that they require a lot of attention and care (even though these are probably the easiest of chameleons to keep) and understanding of their requirements (as of course all pets actually do !). Their housing and all that comes with it can take up quite some space and seems costly too. What is your setup Def ?
Bloozoo he was RRP'd at £80, but I got an overall discount as I bought his tank, decor, hardware, food additives and everything else at the same time.

Housing space is more vertical-oriented than horizontal. I have a custom made front access 36x24x18 tank with ventilation panels added (don't put a cham into a standard aquarium), with heat lamp and UV.

Overall he cost me about £220 to get set up, then ongoing cost of replacing substrate once a month and feeding comes to £25 to £30. That £200 doesn't include an auto-mister because I'm around during the day to do it manually. Yes, they are definitely time consuming, far more "needy" than some other lizards, but he's worth every minute. If you have some specific questions let me know.

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