More Bogwood Questions


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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So... I've started soaking my first ever piece of bogwood.... and its not sinking! I assume it needs to absorb water first... how long does that take?

Also, last question thread I was told that tannins get released... does that start happening right away or with time? So far, my water is crystal clear.

Totally loving the look of my bogwood... better than the picture that I saw when I ordered it. :D
All depends on the size, type & porosity of the wood as to how long it will take. It helps to weigh the wood down so it is totally submerged as this helps force the air bubbles out of the wood.

Tannins will start to leach immediately but, depending on how much is in the wood and the volume of water, visible results vary.
some get soaked before there sold so you might not get any tannins, but i would poor boiling water over it before putting it in the tank. :) 24 hrs should be enough imho for it to be soaked. but that's just my opinion. glad ya happy with it :)
24 hrs should be enough imho for it to be soaked
Just to prove my previous post about it all depends on the wood in question I have a large piece that has been soaking for 4 days and still buoyant. This is not a new piece either, it has been in service in 3 different tanks over the years so I know that it does sink :)
Its too big and odd shaped to be boiled... but I did do as above and pour boiling water on it and one end is showing signs of wanting to sink. :) So, I shall just keep boiling water and pouring on more and see how that goes.

It could be that it was soaked at some point, the wood has a different sort of "feel" than wood you get straight from a tree... not sure how to explain... maybe that is what makes it bogwood?

Oh, and I'm soaking it in an 80 litre container about half filled... so thereabouts 40 litres of water.
personally, i can't see 24 hours, making a "cents worth" of difference.
might get it to sink.
but as for helping with tannins, no use what so ever.
as Ascaper say, it all depends on the type of wood.
but i doubt even balsa wood, would give up its contents in that time. lol.

but I'm a drop it in, after a wash, man.
I deal with tannins via water changes.
Not much color to the water this morning at all, so thats good. But, my wood still isn't sinking. I'm going to try boiling half at a time later (since there is no way it will all fit in my pots!) and see if that helps... if it is still not sinking by afternoon... I'm going to try and see if I can arrange my rocks in a way that lets me tie it down. :lol:
yeah aqua your right, i was presuming it was a smallish bit of wood(my bad) but yeah it depends on size etc etc.. my new bit of wood had a 2 weeks of soaking in a cleaned out wheelie bin used for garden waste(maybe you have one you could use) but it is a very large bit of wood, no tannins for me, but i will need to do it again anyways, as i haven't sorted my new tank out yet :( as for the boiling part i only poured 4-5 kettle fulls over it just to try and make sure there's no nasties on it.
Another thing to try is using weights they use for fishing, they are not lead and some are made to look like stones, they sell them in various weights so get some heavy ones and tie them to the wood with fishing line, they have a loop on the weight so it is easy to do.
I think the key word that is missing from replies is patience. The wood will sink in time, but as evry piece differs in density/porosity there is no way of telling how long this will take. One trick I have used in the past is to decide which way up it will be in the tank, drill 2 holes through it then, using fishing line, tie it to a flat piece of slate. It is then simply a case of slipping it under the gavel/sand to wieght it down. At the prep point you can use java fern to hide the line and make it a more attractive feature.
Patience is missing in me as well! :lol:

I gave up and dug around in the garden and came across two rocks big enough to hold the bog wood down. I cleaned and boiled the rocks and have now tied it in place!

Now.... very impatiently waiting for my plants to grow and hoping my first real attempt at aquascaping might look decent enough given a month or two from now.... hopefully.

Here is my other thread that has a picture of my wood and my step one aquascaping. (warning.... aquascaping is far far from being one of my talents! :lol: )

my aquascaping thread
Don't worry matey, been there myself. My enthusiasm often takes over and I rush things a little, thats the nature of fishkeeping and wanting to create our own little underwater garden. You enjoy :)

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