More Bn Plec Fry !


Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Derby, UK
Woo Hoo!!

My BN plecs have bred again !! :D

I moved house 3 weeks ago, and accidentaly disturbed their 1st batch :( Fortunatley, the male has been hiding in his 'log' for over a week now, so I was hoping he was guarding eggs.....

Well tonight I've spotted about 5 free swimmers in the tank :D

I've managed to catch 3 and put them in a fry trap til they get a bit bigger. I reckon by the morning there will be several more in the tank!!

Fingers crossed they'll all grow up nicely !!! any recommendations on what to feed them ?!? I've got some Liqui-fry and some Cucumber in there at the mo!!


Looks like I've got a couple of Albino's in there as well !!! :D :D

Need to get my other tank set-up this weekend, after moving house, so I can let the fry have some space !!!! ;)
Woo Hoo!!

My BN plecs have bred again !! :D

I moved house 3 weeks ago, and accidentaly disturbed their 1st batch :( Fortunatley, the male has been hiding in his 'log' for over a week now, so I was hoping he was guarding eggs.....

Well tonight I've spotted about 5 free swimmers in the tank :D

I've managed to catch 3 and put them in a fry trap til they get a bit bigger. I reckon by the morning there will be several more in the tank!!

Fingers crossed they'll all grow up nicely !!! any recommendations on what to feed them ?!? I've got some Liqui-fry and some Cucumber in there at the mo!!


Looks like I've got a couple of Albino's in there as well !!! :D :D

Need to get my other tank set-up this weekend, after moving house, so I can let the fry have some space !!!! ;)


As for what to feed them, I'd guess infusoria from a jam jar left on the windowsill might fit the bill? Someone more knowledgable than me will be along soon no doubt!

they wont swim in the water colum to eat so cucumber and or algea wafers ets would be best.

you'll be surprised what they will eat - even when very small :)
Had a quick look this morning before I came to work (not a morning person, so it was with bleary eyes!!) and couldn't see any more free swimmers in the tank......

The 3 in the fry net have survived the night and were quite happily munching on cucumber !!! :D

The male BN is still in his log, so Iassume that there are more fry in there yet to be released..... fingers crossed anyway!!! :D

Just bought a floating fry trap, as the net one I've got is broken.

Also, when I do a water change, the floating one will just go up and down with the water level, where as the net would rise out of the water !!!

Only £3, so not too bad.

Can also use it if Em's Mollies decide to breed to !! :D

Just bought a floating fry trap, as the net one I've got is broken.

Also, when I do a water change, the floating one will just go up and down with the water level, where as the net would rise out of the water !!!

Only £3, so not too bad.

Can also use it if Em's Mollies decide to breed to !! :D


Just going to stick my 2 peneth in ;)
Looking at what you have in the tank I would say let them out. With exception to your tiger babrs there is nothing in there that is going to have a good nosh on them. They will do far better in the tank with all the available algae and food matter than in a net or trap. If You have room just add more bog wood and places they can hide under, lots of little nucks and cranys thay can hide in to get away from your barbs. I have an asssortment of fish in my tank where my brsitle nose spawn and the only thing that gives them a second look are the New guinea rainbows. Carnivours by nature, so i would expect that and at 6" the biggest was the only real threat to them after they were a few weeks old.
Lots of wood and plants is the best way to go...
But keep us informed how the little guys do and pics would be nice too B)

P.s. sorry for any bad spelling..ROFL not my strong point :huh:
Still no sign of any more fry, or Mr BN coming out of the log either !!! ;)

Decided to bite the bullet, and let the 5 fry out of the trap, and back into the main tank :)

Will keep you all posted how the little guys get on ;)

hope they do great, keep us updated. what size are the tiger barbs?

you'll probably find more will appear after a few days, it took a week and a half before mine were all free swimming.

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