more Betta pics..


Apr 1, 2004
Reaction score
Cheltenham (UK)
Took a couple of nice pictures of him just now.

I thought he had fin rot but on closer inspection of the pictures maybe he doesn't.

What do you reckon guys?



Cheers :)

Ben :wub:
Maybe, maybe not. Lol, I know that's not what you want to hear. The fact that the tail has the discolored or translucent edges seems like a possiblity. Is he exhibiting any lethargy or lack of appetite? Are any of the edges bloody looking(really hard on red)? You may want to treat with salt to be safe. Unless you feel sure it is then pursue a more agressive course of treatment. He is very attractive btw.
my longer finned veil tail always looks as though he has fin rot
he is 3 different shades of purple, baby blue and pink with a tiny bit of green
very girly looking :lol: :*
his fins are pink at the bottom and when he rests, sinse his tail is so long, it kinda clumps together and looks brown
he tricks me every time
i run over and he swims to the top thinking that he'll get a few blood worms and he's just fine (tail isn't really brown) :rolleyes:
He's happy and is eating fine.

the bit on the end of his tail kinda looks a little translucent. Not fungal by the looks of it.

Ah well i've taken his pump out for a bit to see if that aids or worsens the situation.

Cheers for the comments,


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