More Betta Pics!


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
Ok, I know you guys are probably getting sick of all my betta pictures :p, but I just couldn't help it. Tsing Tao was showing off tonight and I just had to snap some shots of him. Enjoy these...I know I've had fun watching him tonight! ;)

Side shot of him showing off for the camera.
BOTM for that 3rd pic!! :thumbs: What a great clear shot! Good work! :) long ago did he have fin rot? his tail looks like it's coming back nicely. :)
Thanks for the nomination, Heather! :D

I'm not sure how long ago he had fin rot...we bought him from one of our local pet stores that has absolutely deplorable betta conditions. :grr: My boyfriend and I rescued him of sorts, and have had him for about a week now. He's looking healthier by the day. ;)
*** BOTM NOMINATION *** 1st PIC ***

*** BOTM NOMINATION *** 2nd PIC ***
Even though some of the fin has rotted away, there's still enough for character. And he's very healthy as you can see by his even fin rays all around.
Thanks for the nom Conrad! ;)

Yeah, apparantly the fin rot hasn't lowered his spirits any either...he's still parading around his tank, showing off! I'm having a blast watching him! :lol:
Well, it looks like he's finally settled down, now that the light is off in his tank. By the by, do bettas like the water currents from filters? Because both of mine seem to 'play' right in the rougher water. It's really quite cute actually! :p
I second the nomination for the 3rd pic (if it hasn't allready been seconded)

I have been looking at getting a betta for a few weeks now...these pictures have certainly swayed me more towards wanting one!!! to tell the BF "Its only a small tank hun"

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