More Beginner Questions Re: Current Stock Of Fish & Plans

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Nov 6, 2005
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UK, South East

We have now filled up our tank after letting it go through the fishless cycle for well over a month. I really do recommend this way of preparing your newly set up tank, as the water perimetres remain excellent despite a quite large and sudden addition of fish.

As it is now, there is not much more room for more fish, and the addition we're planning is also supposed to fill a niche not covered yet; algae eaters. I was thinking of a couple of otos since I've read that they do not grow very big at all and are good algae eaters. Since we have bog wood, I was also recommended to add a dwarf ancistrus.

This is what we have currently;

130 Litre, external filtre
6 Leopard Danio
6 Zebra Danio
4 Head & Tail Light Tetra
3 Honey Gourami (1 male & 2 females)
2 Bronze Cory
1 Japonica Shrimp

1 piece of bog wood
6-7 plants (java ferns & other kinds)
1 lava rock
1 Mangrove root ornament (the shrimp lives in it)
1 small terracotta pot
Fine gravel & sand

Question 1. Would it be ok with 2 otos, or do they need to be at least 4 to be happy?
Question 2. I read everywhere that cories need to be at least 4 to be happy. At the same time, a local aquarium specialist say that they are fine on their own or only 2 of them. We're going to add 2 more nevertheless.
Question 3. I assume our shrimp needs more friends. Which would be the minimum amount of shrimps to keep? Again, I've been reading different recommendations.
Question 4. I do welcome constructive critisism about our current "fish soup" since I'm a beginner. I have read up on everything I can, but of course I'm prone to make mistakes and have lots to learn.
Question 5. I desperately do not want to overstock, and we're reaching the very limit of what we can have in the tank. But we do need algae eaters - which would suit our tank best you think, a cpl of otos or a dwarf ancistrus?

If you read this far, thank you for taking the time to do so.

Regards, Vitae
Q1 - I have 1 oto seems to be happy, although i heard u need more, but havent had him long yet
Q2 - I have 2 albino cories that spend more time mixing with my other fish that each other :)
Q3 - Dont know about shrimp, i opted for a frog :)
Q4 - seems alot for a beginner, i've learned alot with just my setup, fortunately its not too big to make huge mistakes with, i guess as long as u build it gradually u can learn as you go along
Q5 - My single oto seems to be doing a great job of my 70 ltr tank, i also believe air stones and frequent water changes can help with slight overstocking?? someone might correct me on this though

Hope my small imput is useful as i'm still a beginner myself
Question 1. Would it be ok with 2 otos, or do they need to be at least 4 to be happy?
Mine don't really hang out together. I have 4. Two should be OK.
Question 2. I read everywhere that cories need to be at least 4 to be happy. At the same time, a local aquarium specialist say that they are fine on their own or only 2 of them. We're going to add 2 more nevertheless.
Good Idea. They'd feel happier that way.
Question 3. I assume our shrimp needs more friends. Which would be the minimum amount of shrimps to keep? Again, I've been reading different recommendations.
I would say at least 6, but you could easily put in a lot more - up to 20 or so Amano. They're pretty expensive though at roughly around £2.50 just about countrywide in the UK.
Question 4. I do welcome constructive critisism about our current "fish soup" since I'm a beginner. I have read up on everything I can, but of course I'm prone to make mistakes and have lots to learn.
Sounds like you have a good plan and on the right track so far. Keep going :)
Question 5. I desperately do not want to overstock, and we're reaching the very limit of what we can have in the tank. But we do need algae eaters - which would suit our tank best you think, a cpl of otos or a dwarf ancistrus?
Otos are far better than Bristlenoses at eating algae. Besides, my Bristlenoses had a strong taste for all green matter and my plants were in shreds ! Despite a vast variety of food. Stick to Otos & Amano shrimp.

If you read this far, thank you for taking the time to do so.

Regards, Vitae
Thanks a bunch for the answers :) otos it is then.

Btw bloozoo2, is your avatar displaying a snow bengalcat :)? Beautiful!
Post some pics over in the photo section when it's all up and running :thumbs:

Ps: yes, Sushi (RIP his little soul) was a blue-eyed Snow Leopard Bengal - well spotted ! ;)

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