New Member
We have now filled up our tank after letting it go through the fishless cycle for well over a month. I really do recommend this way of preparing your newly set up tank, as the water perimetres remain excellent despite a quite large and sudden addition of fish.
As it is now, there is not much more room for more fish, and the addition we're planning is also supposed to fill a niche not covered yet; algae eaters. I was thinking of a couple of otos since I've read that they do not grow very big at all and are good algae eaters. Since we have bog wood, I was also recommended to add a dwarf ancistrus.
This is what we have currently;
130 Litre, external filtre
6 Leopard Danio
6 Zebra Danio
4 Head & Tail Light Tetra
3 Honey Gourami (1 male & 2 females)
2 Bronze Cory
1 Japonica Shrimp
1 piece of bog wood
6-7 plants (java ferns & other kinds)
1 lava rock
1 Mangrove root ornament (the shrimp lives in it)
1 small terracotta pot
Fine gravel & sand
Question 1. Would it be ok with 2 otos, or do they need to be at least 4 to be happy?
Question 2. I read everywhere that cories need to be at least 4 to be happy. At the same time, a local aquarium specialist say that they are fine on their own or only 2 of them. We're going to add 2 more nevertheless.
Question 3. I assume our shrimp needs more friends. Which would be the minimum amount of shrimps to keep? Again, I've been reading different recommendations.
Question 4. I do welcome constructive critisism about our current "fish soup" since I'm a beginner. I have read up on everything I can, but of course I'm prone to make mistakes and have lots to learn.
Question 5. I desperately do not want to overstock, and we're reaching the very limit of what we can have in the tank. But we do need algae eaters - which would suit our tank best you think, a cpl of otos or a dwarf ancistrus?
If you read this far, thank you for taking the time to do so.
Regards, Vitae
We have now filled up our tank after letting it go through the fishless cycle for well over a month. I really do recommend this way of preparing your newly set up tank, as the water perimetres remain excellent despite a quite large and sudden addition of fish.
As it is now, there is not much more room for more fish, and the addition we're planning is also supposed to fill a niche not covered yet; algae eaters. I was thinking of a couple of otos since I've read that they do not grow very big at all and are good algae eaters. Since we have bog wood, I was also recommended to add a dwarf ancistrus.
This is what we have currently;
130 Litre, external filtre
6 Leopard Danio
6 Zebra Danio
4 Head & Tail Light Tetra
3 Honey Gourami (1 male & 2 females)
2 Bronze Cory
1 Japonica Shrimp
1 piece of bog wood
6-7 plants (java ferns & other kinds)
1 lava rock
1 Mangrove root ornament (the shrimp lives in it)
1 small terracotta pot
Fine gravel & sand
Question 1. Would it be ok with 2 otos, or do they need to be at least 4 to be happy?
Question 2. I read everywhere that cories need to be at least 4 to be happy. At the same time, a local aquarium specialist say that they are fine on their own or only 2 of them. We're going to add 2 more nevertheless.
Question 3. I assume our shrimp needs more friends. Which would be the minimum amount of shrimps to keep? Again, I've been reading different recommendations.
Question 4. I do welcome constructive critisism about our current "fish soup" since I'm a beginner. I have read up on everything I can, but of course I'm prone to make mistakes and have lots to learn.
Question 5. I desperately do not want to overstock, and we're reaching the very limit of what we can have in the tank. But we do need algae eaters - which would suit our tank best you think, a cpl of otos or a dwarf ancistrus?
If you read this far, thank you for taking the time to do so.
Regards, Vitae