more babies!


Sep 3, 2003
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In My Own Little World
exactly one week after Mishka's fry were dropped (four little pink things who are already getting the bars on their tails) some more babies appeared in my tank! i'm positive they aren't Polly's, as she is still fat and her gravid spot is still darkening, so that leaves Hex and Kiss. Hex is also a fat one, but she seems a bit too interested in the babies for me to risk puting her in the breeder now. so that leaves Kiss, who i can never get a good look at. i can't tell by gravid as she's a black, but i'm positive these fry are hers! all of them are mottled black and pink and oh-so tiny, and even though they were dropped god-knows-when last night i've fished out seven!


i'm so happy ^^ i must be doing something right, because the fish book i have says blacks are 'hard to breed' and 'rare' and 'a bit picky' and i've got babies :D

unfortunately, the week-old fry aren't taking well to intruders. i saw one of my bigguns smack a little guy with his tail :blink: should i be afraid for them? they're only tiny and still have a few days before they can eat (i'm going by how the others grew) and a week before they can safely nibble away at the brine pellets. i can't move my weeklings out yet; haven't moved King into a glass bowl yet, so they can't invade the cycling wedge. maybe i should just stop worrying, these little guys have outnumbered the bigguns by three and now there're even more adults to eat them!

-does a dance-

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