More babies


Fish Fanatic
Sep 10, 2003
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Another of my guppies gave birth during the night!! I have managed to save 4 of them (I rescued one of them from the jaws of one of my males, quite literally!) The others must've not survived the night. So now my first baby has some little friends to look after in his breeding net.
I've had to move my swordtails and tetras into my newer tank, without doing a fishless cycle (I know u guys are gonna shout at me 4 that, but I can't find ammonia, and I'm desperate now :*) ) I put old gravel and filter media in a few days ago, and added something by Interpet called Cycle that helps (or puts in (not quite sure)) bacteria, so I'm hoping everything will be ok. Feel free to tell me off for not fishless cycling... :*)
Hi Phishphood,

Despite what you might have read in certain posts *ahem* I don't think anyone here wants to tell you off for not doing fishless cycling! In fact as it's a pretty new way of thinking I reckon the majority of people have either never done it (and really wish they had!!) or only just started.

So how old is your newer tank? Don't worry, if you've added in filter media and gravel from a tank that has already cycled then you'll already have some of the 'good' bacteria in there that will prevent an ammonia build up. :thumbs: So just make sure you don't feed them too much and carry out regular water changes and they should be OK.

Man, guppies do breed like crazy don't they? Making me wish I'd got some ladies to keep my 4 males occupied ;)
What ru feeding the fry with? and how soon can you re introduce them back in with the bigger fish?......I got some females looking a bit preggy and am setting up a seperate tank....Ive never "cycled" any tank |Ive had and not had a problem with sick fish.....Ive had mates do everything by the book and had fish dying daily.....Ive never done any testing or adding chemicals such as anti chlorine ect and Ive never had a problem in 7 years of keeping tropicals.....touch wood.
good luck with the new breed
I'm feeding them with tetra baby, its basically ground up flakes. I tried grinding up flakes myself, but could never get them small enough. It cost me £3.85 for a teeny little pot of it, put it should last 4 ages.
I'll move them in with my pther fish when they're big enough not to get eaten, but as this is only my 1st proper batch, I don't know how long that will be.
I have to say tho, it's really rewarding seeing babies in your tank, and they're sooo cute!! :wub:
You shouldn't have a problem with the new tank - by using media from an established one you've given a good starting base to the new one.

Hope you're prepared for more fry - once they start, there's no end to them. I have a problem with sailfin mollies, and now I supply my lfs with them otherwise my tank would be overrun.

BTW - we're not here to shout and ram our opinions down your throat, we advise and use our past experiences to try to help in any way we can.
:D congratulations on your new babies - it's so exciting isn't it. :lol:

mine get fed on that sort of baby food and a liquid food called Liquifry for livebearers - the only thing I've found is that I have to do little w/changes most days as the fry food fouls the tank quite quickly

:D :D
Be prepared to take care of those babies for months. It takes awhile for them to grow large enough not be dinner. But they are so cute you can't stay mad at them for long. :lol:

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