

Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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Having identified a fish from the bit above..I know need to know what to do with him. I rescued him from school..last one left alive. He has lost a lot of his black colour, swimming quite well. only been fed on flakes so am going to introduce him to sinking pellets which my fantail has. Its his colour that worries me he used to me jet black but is much paler now. I have had to buy a tank for him not very big I am afraid, but it has a filter. I couldnt really afford to buy that one so please dont say he needs a bigger one. Lets get him healthy first please. Thanks :good:
Can you get a pic?
Its fairly common for mass produced blackmoores to turn a different colour, as the black isnt very stable on indoor fish because of the lack of a certain spectrum colour.
Usually they start to go a bronze colour from underneath and some turn gold.
that sounds like just what is going on. not very good photo...just set him a tank up...not bad buy filter gravel food conditioner and tank

thanks he needs a name!
Maybe its the angle but theres something not quite right with the eyes. Maybe its been stunted.
Can you get a head on and one from above please.
The tail isnt that of a black moor, so probably a cross.

How about goggles, considering those huge eyes?
:hyper: goggles...he prob is a cross... he isnt very happy by himself, but I am not very good with goldfish so he is going to have to be solo.
Update on goggles, his colour is stable but he doesnt like his new big tank! He has always been in with other fish in a dirty tank plastic weed and no aerator (sp?) so he doesnt like the current even though I have aimed it up a corner so it is not fierce. I refuse to put plastic plant in as they look horrid. He was in a big plastic bowl before so I think I will put him back in one of mine and get some real weed from out of the pond if I can find it. He is eating but sulky, could get him a friend but am trying to get away from coldwater fish and just concentrate on bettas :hyper:
You could add 4 white cloud minnows to help him feel a bit more secure.
No told hubby I am not buying any more fish. Might put him next to a betta tank so he can wave to them :good: He wouldnt be any good in a pond in the summer would he?
Would depend what with. If with faster single tailed fish then no as his eyes will probably be damaged.
He had taken a turn for the worse.....really bad sb problems...put him in clean water no food but a pea which he didn't touch. I couldn't look at him any more so he went in spare bedroom, next to 2 tropical that I rescued about a year ago..I really thought he would die but today he is swimming about again. Before today he was curved at top of tank...only difference is the heating is up in spare bedroom as I am trying to dry washing. Has this made a difference? I can make out I need a spare heater and buy a small one if so. :hyper:

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