Moor With Eye Missing?

Mr Melt

Apr 18, 2011
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Allright lads.

This morning I woke to find my black moor swimming about as normal..... except one of its eyes was completely gone.

After I got over the shock I immediately added a high dose of Melafix.

After carefully examing the wound it seems that it was literally sucked out: there are no signs of injury on him, or any gouges around the eye socket. Which immediately makes me suspect my filter intake. I recently got an Eheim 2215, and have noticed the powerful intake on the thing. Foolishly I didnt get a filter intake strainer (which i amended earlier). So what I think has happened is tht my moor got its eye stuck in the filter intake.......

He looks ok enough like; atm hes busy rooting through the substrate for food =P

Anyways this is my point: I've dosed him with Melafix. Is there anything else I can do for him? I feel guilty enough as it is =\
He should heal up prefectly well; you'll just have to watch out secondary infections don't set in, but the Melafix should help with that.
He should heal up prefectly well; you'll just have to watch out secondary infections don't set in, but the Melafix should help with that.
Thanks; I'll give him a wee treat of bloodworms for the next 2 days too - his favourite food should perk him up =)

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