Moonlight, well, longer than 30 minutes


Hug a mod Nano Reef Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Dec 27, 2004
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Long Island, NY
Hi...some great posts here on moonlights. I just wanted to post a clearer picture of my tank at night. I'm not sure how to upload here so I'm linking it from the Members section. As you can see, the luminescence is amazing and I'm blown away to see what happens after dark. It seems much less bright than a cold cathode. I have it linked to a timer so when the strip light goes out, the LEDs come on. I highly recommend it. The reason I built mine is because I didn't know anything about tank hoods when I bought my 46 gallon bow.The hood is all plastic with a central strip of glass that only fits their strip light. There was no way to upgrade my lighting without having to buy a whole new hood and I didn't like the moonlights that stick on the side of the tank. Not only is it amazing to see who comes out at night, but, talk about the beautiful light blue glow. Anyway, if anyone needs help, they can PM me....the only skill really needed is soldering. I finished this project in about 3 hours. I added a dimmer on it, but, I don't think you really need it. SH
Do you have any pics of the installation? I'm working on one right now, and I'd like to see what you've done. My initial solution is a temporary one; I'm going to build a hood sometime down the road for some t-5's with the moonlighting integrated. Right now I'm using some (plastic) electrical cable channel to hold the wiring & led's; it will rest on top of the tank in front of my strip light.
longer than 30 mins... :rolleyes: what were you playing at? :D

How many hours have you now spent in the dark watching the night shift do their stuff?
To Corruptor...I PM'd you with details. To SmithRC...the longer than 30 minutes referred to the time it took me to build the LEDS. I spend the rest of the time in the dark with my beautiful wife. SH
I like the idea of a moonlight; except that the only remotely interesting nocturnal activity is my snails. I have malaysian trumpet snails, which are nocturnal, so I'll be lucky if even one is visible during the day. I don't really watch them for any legnth of time; usually its a quick count to see how many of them are out, so I know if they are reproducing which means that my substrate is in good condition.
I felt getting a ropelight was the easiest approach. :) It's cool having a green glow in the tank. My fish aren't nocturnal really but I just like it. heh

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