Moon Lightinh


Fish Crazy
Jan 7, 2006
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ok ive brought some cold cathodes simlar to the thread above ( sticky) but im having trouble removing the connectors from there plasstic caseing.
any ideas on how to do it?

2nd point is if i have a 12 v adapter but plug in 2 sets of lights would that = both sets get 12 volts or both sets get 6vots each>?

thanks in advance Norp
Can you not just chop off the connectors ?
Connect them in parallel , that is red to red, black to black etc.... and each will get 12V !
ok ive brought some cold cathodes simlar to the thread above ( sticky) but im having trouble removing the connectors from there plasstic caseing.
any ideas on how to do it?

2nd point is if i have a 12 v adapter but plug in 2 sets of lights would that = both sets get 12 volts or both sets get 6vots each>?

thanks in advance Norp
not with you on the plastic connector thing? and you don't normally connect a cold cathode tube to a mains adaptor, on the whole they need a inverter (most are 620v)

as for the second point rooster is correct, but you will need to keep an eye on the amp rating of your adapter, two sets may be too much for it!. and many inverters i have seen are fitted with two sockets anyway.
The Cold Cathodes I guess will have a transformer/invertor that they plug into and the part you are talking about is the other side of the transformer. Yes you can just cut the wires and twist/tape to a 6V telephone charger or such like.

This is what I have done but make sure it is charger to transformer to Cold Cathode, because if you go cathodes direct to mains, then it won't work.
i think u guys mis understood what i ment
i couldnt get the metal connecters from the part that would connect to the pc power supply
i did fix it now tho so no worries
This is why I don't have moonlight... I don't understand a word you anybody just said. Good luck though. :lol:
When you buy these cold cathode kits you get:

2 tubes with wires and a connector on the end of each
a transformer/inverter box
a Molex (plastic 4 pin) lead to your PC power unit

What we do is plug the 2 leads from the 2 cold cathode tubes into 1 end of the transformer.

The lead that comes out of the other side, we either cut the Molex connector off or snip the wires.

If snipping the wires then you can snip, twist and tape to the wires from a 6V phone charger.

The all you have to do is decide where in your hood to place them and silicon in place.

Job Done - Should cost less than £10/$19 (mine cost £4.50)

Very easy to do really, so don't be scared cos they look great and much less intrusive at night to the fish than the great big long streams of bright LEDs that you get.
A lot of these lights look great but are too bright to let the fish go into nocturnal activity, whereas the cold cathodes on 6V is not so bright. Just enough to see whats happening in the tank.


lol D'oh yep forgot about that pc slot switch thing. just couldnt get my head around what was meant :blush: lol bin a while since i did mine!

one warning though with the cathode tubes! take care how much pressure you put on the power cords going into it. if too mucn pressur is used, as the cathode tube itself can be pulled out the plastic housing. they may run cool in the plastic housing, but once the seal has gone they can melt the tube its in and cause some problems!
I have VERY detailed plans to make LED moonlights, and I'd be glad to send plans for my Cathode tube moonlights. If you want them, send me a message. If you feel in the dark, these plans will explain everything, I mean EVERYTHING.

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