Moon Light....??


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2004
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What the deal with a moon light? I was at the LFS and they seemed to really be pushing them.
they are a few blue LEDs hardly lights it up, but its enough that you can still see the fish moving.

My question is, how good is this for the fish? does it effect them at all? I would like to get it so I can see my fsih at night, but not if it will effect them.
Naturally in the wild, there is going to be some moonlight hitting the water. Do they go underwater in the tank? If you turn it on when you want to watch them and off when you go to sleep it sounds okay to me. If you leave it on overnight I would make sure that the fish can hide from the light, like I imagine they would do naturally... I saw some submersible light at my LFS cheap too. Maybe I might get one when I go today. Also I don't think they would make a product that would actually harm your fish, although it is best to be wary.

Henry_VCG_ said:
Naturally in the wild, there is going to be some moonlight hitting the water. Do they go underwater in the tank?

Also I don't think they would make a product that would actually harm your fish, although it is best to be wary.

it goes in the cover, so its not in the water, there are like 12 or so LEDS on it, and they say it can be left on all night, but I would only leave it on when I'm up.

They "make" die injected fish though...... so I cant always trust what the package says.

it was only like 12 bucks, maybe I'll get it, give it a try.
I have a moonlight and I love it. My fish don't seem bothered by it at all,I actually have it to replicate moonlight (rather than decor) since they're nocturnal fish I'm hoping it will someday induce spawning. I think you'll like it :)
wuvmybetta said:
I have a moonlight and I love it. My fish don't seem bothered by it at all,I actually have it to replicate moonlight (rather than decor) since they're nocturnal fish I'm hoping it will someday induce spawning. I think you'll like it :)
Can you post pic wit tank with moonlight?

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