Mono Argenteus


New Member
Feb 23, 2004
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Need some help setting up a new tank for some monos. From top to bottom, I have a empty 29 and am going to get a 55. Thanks
Do you have much bigger tank available for them as adults? Monos get up to 18 inches, and need to be in a school. 3 in a 55 will work for a short time, but they should grow quickly. These are also very nervous, active fish, well known for jumping and for ramming into the glass when startled--big tanks, with lots of hiding spots and swimming room are needed to prevent injury.
Monos are brackish/marine fish that need to be kept in water with a SG of at least 1.010 and will quickly start to suffer when kept in freshwater for long periods. While they wont quite reach 18" they will reach 10-12" and as said need to be kept in groups, a 55g isnt quite big enough IMO and a minimum of 75g is recomended.
I do have a 90gal tall (48x13x32) that has severums in it I could move when I get a larger tank. So how long do you think the mono's will survive well in the 55gal? I also am wondering what type of filtration I would need, what type of substrat, and what kind of eqiupt I would need to get? I already a have planted 55 brackish with sailfins and a 20 planted with dwarf puffers and a spiney eel. I use oceanic sea salt with a salinity between 1.004 and 1.008. Any hints and advice would be welcomed.

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