Monodactylus argenteus
Monodactylus sebae
Monos are brackish water fish. They can adapt to living in either freshwater or saltwater but do best in brackish water, which is fresh water with about 1 Tablespoon of Aquarium Salt per each 5 gallons of water. Click here for more information about Aquarium Salt.
Monos are very energetic, mildly aggressive, and have huge appetites. Feed them several times a day with live or frozen food. They will usually eat some flake food. Feed them flakes first, the live or frozen food.
Common Name
Scientific Name Maximum Size
Monodactylus argenteus 18"
Finger Fish
Mono Sebae
Monodactylus sebae 18"
Common Name
Scientific Name Maximum Size
Appropriate Home. Eventually a large aquarium with at least 50 gallons of water, an exterior power filter with a BIO-Wheel, a maximum of 1/4 inch of gravel, an aquarium heater adjusted to keep the water between 78 and 82 degrees F., and at least 1 Tablespoon of aquarium salt per each 5 gallons of aquarium water. Click here for more about warm water aquariums.
Recommended Diet. When they're hungry Monos may eat floating flake food for tropical fish such as TetraMin which is available in most pet stores and Wal-Mart Stores.
Monos. will also eat Tetra Freeze Dried Blood Worms and Tetra Freeze Dried Shrimps, but they relish live Black Worms, and live and frozen brine shrimp. Click here for more about Black Worms.
Compatibility. Monos. enjoy each others company. They often look startled when you move close to an aquarium to look at them. They're more comfortable in a group with at least 3 other Monos, and a group of 6 is even better, but then 6 Monos will eventually require a really big aquarium.
Monos. are compatible with most other brackish water fish such as Archers, Scats, Puffers, Fan Dancer Gobies, and White Tip Shark Cats.
Click here to read more about several groups of compatible fish.
Size and Life Span. Rarely bigger than 6" in aquariums but seen 18" and they probably grow even larger. They will live 6 to 10 years, possibly longer when given excellent care.
Click here now to go on to another page in this web site that has a story about Mr. Wey breeding Mono. sebaes.
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