money in breeding?


Nov 4, 2003
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is there any money at all in breeding cichlids? i read where someone paid 20$ each for some good quality... and even if there not so good quality, you think the fish stores will buy them off me?

im not breeding yet but i figure my cichlids are bound to have fry and when they do what am i gonna do with them? Plus i want some very nice fish down the line and if the breed well...
it all really depends on the species and what kind of demand is in your area for those species, unless you plan on shipping...
I'm not a breeder but I worked with one for a few weeks and met dozens others and talked with them. This is what I gathered from what they had to say:

If you are talking about as a business, like to make a living on, it's difficult, it's not profitable for's a labor of love and you won't get rich doing it. Take into account all your overhead costs (electrical bills, food, medicines, tanks and equipment, accessories, time...) and what you end up making as real profit is nominal at best. Breed fish because you love them or as a hobby. You can unload a group of fry to a LFS or even another breeder and make some nice pocket money. But selling fry is only really profitable when you haven't gone out of your way to breed them. Adults pull in the real cash---but your cost of raising them to adulthood is high as well.
no no im in no way thinking of doing this as a living, think of it as a soon to be college students extra income ways...

i just wanna have my pretty fishies :) then when they breed take the babies and sell them off...

question though for red zebra and yellow labs how old do they gotta be before they start holding?

vantge, from what ive read most people use a 10gal for the fry :) thats what imma do
The profit margins of fish breeding is very low.

Breed for fun, not for profit. If you can make enough to cover some of the expenses of the hobby then you are doing well.
thecichlidaddict said:
The profit margins of fish breeding is very low.

Breed for fun, not for profit. If you can make enough to cover some of the expenses of the hobby then you are doing well.
If you breed them by accident and dont spend loads in the process you may be able to make a few quid (dollars).

I nearly started working at a fish store... where i would have got 50% disscount on EVERYTHING so there is a big profit for them, but they buy at less than half the price they sell at... (did that make sense?)
yes it made sence kinda heh

im not going to like breed offically or whatever but my fish will breed weather i want them too or not
to make any decent money you will need lots of tanks running and at best get @ £1 per fish upto 1'' depending on type, you need to remember the rarer more expensive fish are just that for a reason there harder to breed.
i have done it and even 9 tanks would not make any real money so it was a good job it was not for money just for fun and a bit cash for more fish.
you guys dont seem to understand me(maybey its just my typing) anyways im not trying to make alot of money, i just want to be able to make pocket change(well a 100$ or so hopefully a batch of fry, well atleast 50) when my fish have babies... i dont wanna live off the money nor do i want a million tanks, just what i got now, a fry tank and thats it...

oh also after the fish gets used to breeding whats an adverage fry range?

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