Mom's In Icu In The Hospital


Oct 7, 2013
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Mom's been sick for a while now, going first to the hospital and then to a rehab center.
a few days ago, they sent her to the hospital again, but this time to the ICU ward.
They thought they might lose her the day before yesterday.
Since then she has improved a bit, but they still don't think she's stable enough to move, so we have to wait and see if she will recover before they do any scans.
I'm sorry, that's all I can type for now, It's too painful, please pray for her.
Thank you.
Sending prayers. God bless your mother, you and your family.
I lost my own Mum 9 years ago and it still hurts every day, she was just 64 years old. I know how you must be feeling right now. I don't believe in prayers I'm afraid but please know I am sending you love and thinking of you and I'm hoping your Mum recovers
Best wishes
Akasha x
Sorry for the late reply.
Actually typing out what was going on made it really hit home how bad things were, and i've been a bit of a mess til now.
Shortly after entering the ICU, they found that mom had GI bleeding, low oxygen, and kidney failure.
These were causing delirium, severe anemia, low blood pressure, and very high sodium and potassium levels,  as well as high blood sugar (mid 200s)
So far, she's recieved at least 4 blood transfusions, and they've put her on IV antibiotics, sedated her and put her on life support.
Now her kidneys are coming back, and the bleeding has gone down, but so far, they haven't been able to get her off the ventilator.
every time they tried her vital signs started going south, and when they tried getting her off sedation she bit the airline, and it took them almost ten minutes to stop all the alarms from the monitors.
She's still not strong enough to be moved or have any other procedures done, right now we have to wait and see if her body heals.
Thank you for the prayers JD.
Thank you for the kind words Akasha, and I'm sorry to hear about your Mum, mine is only 65.
As weak as my faith is, I still don't know if I would be able to handle this without it...
Sorry to hear that... still praying for her.
thank you for the update Jeremy, I have been thinking of you and keeping everything crossed she pulls through. It does sound like she's fighting and that's a good thing. Keep strong no matter what you believe in. It's that that will get you through x
Thank you everybody for the kind words and prayers.
I finally found out yesterday that they think she has pneumonia, in addition to the other problems.
Today she was off the sedatives completely, but they had several other strong drugs in her, so she wasn't really awake, but she did seem to be  a bit responsive.
Sorry for being away, but for the past few days it's been wake up, go to the hospital, wait for news all day, and go home, and iv'e been too tired and worried to answer any threads.
Tomorrow they will be doing an upper gi endoscopy to try to locate the  gi bleeding.
Right now Jeremy your Mum is number one priority. No one expects anything from you. You must remember to take care of you though. It's easy to forget in these situations to take care of yourself (been there and done it) and your no good to your Mum if you get sick too
Best wishes x
Akasha72 said:
Right now Jeremy your Mum is number one priority. No one expects anything from you. You must remember to take care of you though. It's easy to forget in these situations to take care of yourself (been there and done it) and your no good to your Mum if you get sick too
Best wishes x
Thank you Akasha.
She made it through the procedure okay, and they found a small ulcer that was well no it's way to being healed, but now she's not waking up.
If they can't wean her off the ventilator soon, she may need to have a trachea tube installed, and I'm not sure she can handle another surgery. :(
Whatever is keeping her from wiking up, they haven't found it.
In addition, there is also the possibility of neurological impairment from all that's happened. :tears:
On top of all this, ALL of us besides mom have been diagnosed with mycoplasma (not pneumonia, at least there's that)
And I recently got a bill for an additional 680$ from a hernia repair that i thought was paid for....
I don't know If I can handle anything else..........
we all have tough times Jeremy. Just keep plodding through it :)
We've lost her.
I Think I won't be back for a while.
So sorry to hear that.  Praying for you and your family.
So sorry to read this. You are in my thoughts. Come back when you are ready x

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